
August 29, 2019 11:30am
Special meeting was called by Park Manager Dave Zeller.
Topic: Hurricane Dorian
There are at least 50 people living in this park that will need to prepare for the upcoming storm. Dave sent a info sheet around that had people sign and explain what they will do in case the storm hits us with phone numbers and emergency contacts. Please prepare your property, awnings down, and loose objects put inside. Clear your car ports. Swimming pool will be shut down and may not open until pool has been treated.
2 Block Captains are needed for each street. Please sign up if you can do this. Duties will be to access any damage, inform people on your street of any updated information. Dave will update the web site when internet is available with information. Have plenty of cash on hand. ATM’s will be down, stores will not have electricity to run credit cards. Make sure you have all your medicines fill and with you. Take all important personal papers with you. Volunteers are needed to help put down awnings. There are 5 shut ins within the park they will need help getting to motels or shelters. Please remember to clean out your fridge and freezer.
Stay safe and keep us all informed of your where abouts.
If you have questions or problems and need help please contact Park Manager Dave Zeller at 863-382-0347.

The Labor day chicken dinner has been postponed. We will have this after the storm and everyone is back in the park.


Lon Childress opened the meeting. No one had an opener so straight to the count down with 24 present.

Rachel Childress gave the birthdays, Ike West and Teresa Desautels will celebrate this week. Anniversary wishes go to Johnnie and Lee Baldwin.

Sunshine Report: A card was sent around to be signed for Chuck Danzer. He is having back problems that have stopped him from having his other knee done. He will be having back surgery first. Mary Funk had injections in her knees and it seems to have helped. Brenda Hollingsworth had some eye surgery last week. Ron Pierce had a spot removed from his back and is doing fine. Ralph Centers will have his back surgery this Wednesday. Jim Munds is seeing blue skies and awaiting his second cataract removal. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.

Managers Report: Lon said that bids are being received for the landscaping.

Mariam introduced visitors at the Steele house they are two lovely ladies from Brazil.

Bingo tonight and games as usual.

Dinner out this week will be Thursday 4:30 at Jackson on the Lake. Lon will call for reservations.

Labor Day Dinner September 2 at 1:00 pm. Bring your table service and drink. We now have 45 signed up.

Sylvia Epson thanked the volunteers for thinning out the plants and weeds in front of the club house. The front of the club house is really starting to look much better.

Thank you to Patty and Ken Gillie for donuts and coffee this morning.

August 27th is the Hammock Estates Luncheon in Indiana. Hope everyone has a good time and hi from all us southerners.

Thought for the day:
Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in a democracy. You vote in elections
once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote everyday about the kind of community you want to live in. – Anonymous.


Lon Childress opened the meeting with Bud Pheiffer giving a hilarious opener. Count down was 20.

Miriam Steele played piano for the 2 birthdays, Chuck Imboden and Eileen Carey and 1 anniversary John and Lynnette Pickup. Best wishes to all.

Sunshine Report: Linda received a call from Dolores Kelly. Rod is waiting to hear from the doctors if and when heart surgery can be done. He needs to have a valve replaced. She will call back as more information is received. Please keep Rod in your prayers and thoughts. Ralph Centers has been ok’d for his back surgery to be done end of this month. Jim Munds will have cataract surgery this week.

Group will go the Olympic in Avon Park Thursday at 4:30.

Labor Day: Chicken dinner at 1:00 $5.00 pre pay. Bring your table service and drink. Chicken, mac salad, potato salad, baked beans, rolls and cake will served.

Bingo and games as usual this week.

Thank you to Harold and Linda for the donuts and coffee today.

Miriam Steele announced that they had reached their goal to purchase the Bibles. Now they have to get the Bibles from Brazil to Mozambique.

Harold Price had a closer.


Good Morning. Lon Childress opened the meeting with 21 present. Harold Price gave an opener.

Rachel Childress gave the birthday and anniversary wishes. 5 birthdays wishes to Bob Burke, JoAnne Schultz, Judy Fraser, Rod Potter, and Ken Gillie. 2 anniversary wishes to Dick and Pat Thelen and Phil and Carolyn Manning.

Sunshine report. Jim Munds to have cataract surgery this week. Ralph Centers is still having back surgery the end of this month. Betty Lawson is in remission and doing good. Please keep all of the following in your thoughts and prayers as each one has something going on to get them down. Max Fahl, Claude Belton, Ralph Ousley, Harold Price, Bob Burke, Gerald Steele, Betty Pheiffer, Joe Cole and Lee Baldwin, Jerry Epson and any one else in the park feeling under the weather. We did notice that it is mostly the men on this list having troubles. It was stated that the women better stay healthy or are they the cause of the problems in the first place Hopefully all the northern men are staying healthy.

Managers Report: Lon thanked Jim Munds and Ike West for trimming the palms in front of the club house. It made a world of difference in the looks of the grounds.

We received a thank you card for the Sebring Safe House for the donations.

This week will be a luncheon out on Thursday August 15 at 12:30 at the Main Street America in Lake Placid.

Bingo and games this week as usual.

Can you believe it Labor Day is only 3 weeks away! We voted on what we wanted to do for this day and we all decided to have a pre pay $5 chicken dinner with salads and desserts. Sign up sheet will be posted. Bring your own place setting and drink.

No morning coffee on Labor Day. Meeting will be held after the dinner.

Thank you to Pat Pierson for home made coffee cake and donuts.

Help Wanted: Only the elders can apply. $0.00 per hour. Kindergarten education needed. Short hours. Computer a plus. Job description is vague. Mostly just writing up the Monday morning coffee hour newsletter. Starting November 4. 2019. Please contact retiring writer Linda.


Lon Childress opened the meeting. Harold Price read an opener that had been sent to him from Bob Helmstadter. The count down was down this morning with only 19 present. Must have been because it was raining again.

Rachel Childress announced the birthdays kids for the week; Bob Brown, Lynette Pickup, Punk Kockensparger, Ralph Ousley, Hattie Pierce, Nancy Mellinger and Wayne Voight.

Anniversary wishes go to Don and Mary Little, Ed & Annette Layher and Don and Carol Phelps.

Sunshine report: Linda read cards from Chuck and Carol Danzer, Lynne Brewer and an email from John and Brenda Tromp. Claude Belton is out walking and Lee Baldwin is doing better. Patti Gillie was at coffee and feeling much better. Gerald Steele will be having tests and a heart-Cath sometime this week. Keep everyone in your prayers. Bob Hazelett is doing much better as Kat and him were at coffee.

Manager report was given by Lon. The pool chairs have been exchanged. He cleaned the filters in the club house and have stored them in the laundry room and purchased new ones.

Fish Fry is tomorrow at 5:00pm. Bert and Ralph have brought a lot of fish for us so come hungry. Please bring your own table setting and drink as well as a covered dish.

Dinner out this week will be Thursday at Bo David’s at 5:00 pm, Lon will call in the reservations.

Bingo tonight and games as usual. The corn hole has really taken off. People play after bingo, as well as Tues and Friday nights and a lot of times in between.

Don’t forget that this winter we will be having portraits done for our new 2020 directory. More information as it gets closer. The way time is flying it is right around the corner.

The rain keeps coming and the grass keeps growing faster than mowers can keep up.

Thanks to Joe and Helen Cole for the donuts this morning.


Lon Childress opened the meeting with Harold Price giving a humorous joke. 25 were in attendance.

Rachel Childress gave the birthday wishes to Dough Myers, Joyce Chapman, 
Rachel Childress, Ruth Helmstadter, Vern Hollingsworth and Jim Munds. Anniversary wishes to Frank and Eileen Cary and Mike and Edythe MacDonald.

Sunshine report; Claude Belton is home and doing home rehab. Received word that Phil Manning is recouping nicely from knee surgery. Chuck Danzer had his first knee surgery this week and will have the other one done in a couple of weeks. Ralph Ousley is back home from a stay in the hospital this last week. A thank you card was read from Lee Baldwin, she is slowly on the mend.

Lynette and John Pickup left Friday for up north. Pam and Doug Myers also left Saturday for home.

Dinner out this week will be Thursday at the Golden Corral be there before 3:30 pm.

Fish Fry will be August 6 at 5:00 pm at clubhouse. Ralph and Bert Centers will provide the fish and hush puppies. A sign up sheet will be on the

Visitor today was Gerald and Miriam Steele’s daughter Rachel from Fort 
Wayne, IN.

A big thank you to Sylvia and Jerry Epson for the scrambled eggs and sausage this morning.