Happy Thanksgiving!!
November 25, 2019
President Bob Helmstadter opened our Monday Morning Meeting with 71 residents present. Returnee’s this week are Gerry McLennar, Mike & Edythe MacDonald, and Claude & Mary Funk.
John Pickup introduced Bevery Butts as a new resident as of this October of this year, moving into her parents’ home.
Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes this week to Pat Thelen, Betty Lawson, Brenda Tromp, Dave Helbling and Betty Emmons. Anniversaries celebrated this week are Bob & Sandy Dotseth (56 years) and Benny & Bonnie Casady (57 years).
Carol Parker gave the sunshine report, asking that we please send cards to:
Jack Fitzgerald, C/O Mary Fitzgerald, 1000 Kings Highway, Unit 49, Port Charlotte, Florida 33980
Lyla Kuczynski, 8155 Mentor Hills Drive, Room 314, Mentor, OH 44060
Spoke to Dolores last week. Dolores and Rod Kelly will be coming down middle of January. Rod was able to get a new Valve and doing better.
Sondra West returned home as her preacher’s daughter was killed in auto accident on Friday 22nd.
Pat Butts is back in hospital. She has infection in heart valve. Doctors have to take the pacemaker out, to work on infected valve then put pacemaker back. After doing all this she will then go to rehabilitation.
Ralph Ousley is doing better, he had a doctor’s appointment this morning.
Please keep everyone in your prayers
Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners.
Bluegrass is on Wednesday’s at 1:00, there were 80 attending last week.
Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays. Bunko is on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM and Pinochle on Wednesdays.
Last Week winners were: Max Fahl at Euchre; Mike Watson at Pinochle; Teresa Desautels won the Hot Ball playoff at Bingo for $25; Judy Fraser won most Buncos and Marlene Burns won most Bunco games; Carol Danzer and Mike McCarville won Shuffleboard on Tuesday and Carol Danzer won on Friday; and, Mary MacAuthur won Cornhole.
Linda Price announced the Ladies Luncheon will be on December 3 @ 11:30 AM, The venue has not been decided as yet. The Christmas Dinner will be at 2:00 PM on December 25, the Thanksgiving Dinner is this Thursday at 5:00 PM. The park will be taking part in the annual food drive at Christmas time. Anyone not here may donate cash and she will do the shopping for needed items.
Judy Fahl announced the park will be having a sing-along for Christmas on December 10th at 7:00 PM. Any singers and/or musicians wanting to take part are encouraged to sign up. They will be performing the “12 Days of Christmas.” Ice Cream & cookies will be provided.
Linda Funk said 2 more volunteers are needed on the gourmet committee and asking for assistance on Friday @ 2:00 PM to help with setting up the Christmas decorations.
The 50/50 winner was Claude Funk $33 and the winner for the guessing game was Helen Cole.
ROC President Rick Motsinger announced the pool developed a leak and lost water yesterday. The pool has been refilled and is back up to normal temperature.
The next men’s breakfast will be December 14th at 9:00 AM.
The donuts today were provided by Bob and Barb Burke, Rick and Mary Motsinger, and Patty and Ken Gillie.