
Once again, we had no Monday Morning Coffee & Donuts this week. Our clubhouse, as well as our pool and all social activities are closed until further notice. Please refer to the Park Managers Emergency Notes on our website for any updates or changes. It is our desire to follow all CDC guidelines and recommendations for the safety and well-being of the residents. Tentatively we are expecting the closures to remain in effect through summer. The Heartland Food Reservoir has donated three cases of bottled water for the park during the quarantine. They are in the clubhouse for anyone in need.

HOA President Bob Helmstadter has announced they board is looking for candidates willing to serve for the 2021 year. Anyone interested in volunteering or may know of someone they wish to nominate may do so by letting Bob know.

Lynette Pickup shared the birthday wishes this week, only one, for Mary Funk. There are no anniversaries this week.

Carol Parker shared that Bob Hazelett was in the hospital but is now home and doing better. Congratulations go out to Rick & Mary Motsinger on the arrival of their new great granddaughter. Please keep their family in your prayers while everyone recovers. No cards are going out at this time to avoid sharing germs. As always please keep everyone in our prayers.

We do have extra directories for anyone wanting a 2nd copy. That are available for $20 each. Please contact Linda Price or Nancy Pratt.

We are still seeking someone to take over the newsletter for the summer months, May – October, while I go home for the summer. It’s looking like a pretty easy gig with everything shut down. Please let me know, Thank you!


I’m posting the link to an article forwarded to me from USA TODAY warning
that Florida may be one of the next epicenters of the pandemic:


The link below is about “SCAMS” from the FDIC

FDIC: https://www.fdic.gov/news/news/press/2020/pr20032.html

Everyone be safe and follow all CDC recommendations.

Dave Zeller


Here is another update from our attorney. Please read these updates, I think they give a better understanding of what we and communities like us are facing. This is new ground for everyone.

Good morning, everyone.

The Florida Department of Health’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard was updated about 30 minutes ago. We now have 2,355 confirmed cases—which is an increase of almost 400 new cases overnight. I’m posting the link to that map here for your reference and you’ll note there are several other tabs at the bottom of the map that can provide you with a lot of additional information on testing, a county by county analysis and US and worldwide statistics:

Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard
Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Health Protection

At this point, it appears that most of the resident-owned communities have closed their clubhouses and pools. There are one or two community associations relying on their residents to self-enforce a “ten person only” limit in the pool and pool area. It appears that the laundry rooms in many if not most communities are remaining open with notices being posted in regards to the importance of following the CDC guidelines and using common sense and proper hygiene when in the laundry room area.

Several communities are struggling with questions of whether and how to provide notice to residents if and when the manager or board become aware that someone in the community has tested positive for COVID-19. My thought is that the board should notify the residents of the positive test but not identify the person testing positive unless and until that resident consents in writing to being identified.

The other issue that’s been raised by a number of communities in the past two or three days is how to respond to visitors and guests—even those who are family residents and guests. I know of at least one ungated community where signs have been ordered and will be placed at all of its entrances advising that guests and visitors are not allowed during this pandemic. While I think enforcing any rule prohibiting guests and visitors would be very difficult in most situations, a strongly worded letter/email sent to all residents and posted in conspicuous places in the community makes sense. The residents need to keep in mind that every person entering the community is a potential carrier of the COVID-19 virus and thus poses a potential threat of infecting others. We make it much more difficult to achieve the goal of “flattening the curve”– and providing our hospitals and health care professionals with the breathing room needed to minimize the damage to our communities that this pandemic will cause—each time we bring another potential carrier of the virus into our respective communities.

Obviously, each community has its own specific issues and, like all of you, community association lawyers are dealing with unique and first-time questions on what seems to be a minute by minute basis. You’ll want to consult with your community’s legal counsel in regards to those specific issues.

I’ll leave you until my next update with the CDC guidelines on the symptoms to look for with COVID-19 and the hope that all of you will continue to stay safe, stay healthy, and that we get through this pandemic together.

Here’s that CDC site:


This is the email I received from our attorney yesterday 3-23-2020. I post this so you are aware of the other communities that he is involved with and the what they are experiencing.

I just checked the Florida Department of Health’s Covid-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard. There are currently 1,227 confirmed cases in Florida (compared to 1007 at this time yesterday afternoon) with 18 fatalities and 1,237 cases being monitored. Our figures are part of the 42,817 confirmed cases (and 573 deaths) in the US.

Sadly, I am still hearing from communities where efforts to “flatten the curve” are being met with vocal opposition from residents in spite of all of the emergency orders and the sobering statistics. The medical experts cautioned us that the percentage of the fatalities from COVID-19 would be substantially greater than that of the flu and that prediction from these experts is so far looking to be accurate.

One of the recipients of my group emails took an informal poll of neighboring communities and advised earlier today that of 22 communities, all 22 had closed their clubhouses and cancelled activities, 19 communities had already closed their pools (with two more communities considering closure today) and the remaining community’s pool remained open after having sanitized and removed all pool furniture. She also noted that Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection is closing all state parks until further notice—and it appears that the parks had to close because all of the steps taken to allow them to remain open (including limiting operating hours and reducing visitor capacity) were not working to significantly reduce social contact.

We received several emails this morning from managers asking whether (and how) visitors and guests could be prohibited from entering the community.

Common sense (as well as the Governor’s Emergency Orders and CDC and WHO guidance) should make it clear to everyone allowing visitors works against all efforts to “flatten the curve” but apparently we cannot rely on everyone to use common sense during this pandemic.

If anyone would like to chime in and let us know how your community is dealing with or plans to deal with the “visitor/guest” issue, please do so for the benefit of everyone on this list.

Stay safe, stay healthy, keep your social distancing and keep washing your hands!


Below is the latest message from our attorney, please read it. I will keep posting this information as I receive it. I know there is a lot of information here but I think it is worth your time to read. Please do not hesitate to call the office if you need assistance with anything. Dave Zeller

In an earlier email he mentioned that communities have asked their residents not to invite anyone to visit them, this makes perfect sense considering how quickly this is spreading.

Also Publix has announced that they are having special shopping hours for seniors over 65. Winn Dixie has special hours also. I recommend that you call our local stores to confirm days and time.

Publix Supermarkets will begin offering special hours for senior citizens to shop without additional crowds in the store. Beginning Tuesday, March 24, Publix will open two mornings a week from 7 AM to 8 AM for customers age 65 and up. The special hours will be available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Additionally, Publix is suspending refunds on products purchased during the declared emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic. This is to encourage shoppers to purchase only what they need, and to deter hoarders. That being said, Publix will continue to honor refunds or exchanges for products that do not meet company quality standards.

The Florida Department of Health has a “COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard” (you can click the blue letters to view the link ) it is updated at about 11 AM and 6 PM each day.

EMAIL from Attorney from Sunday March 22, 2020 at 7:01 PM

Good evening, everyone,
A few things to bring to your attention tonight:

As of 6 p.m., there are now 1007 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Florida. That’s almost 250 more than yesterday at this time.

The President of the community where one of the residents had tested positive emailed me today that the Board had received a lot of complaints on the community’s Facebook page because the Board did not identify the resident in its notice to the community. Privacy issues and other legal questions aside, the residents posting these complaints are missing the point: it should be clear by now that each one of us has to assume that we and anyone we may come into contact with may be carrying the virus that’s the whole purpose of maintaining that social distancing, avoiding gatherings of more than ten persons, and frequently and thoroughly washing our hands. We can all do our best to “flatten the curve” and minimize the effects of this pandemic by following the CDC and WHO guidelines—and by assuming that all of us have already come into contact with the virus—but not panicking about that and using common sense and the advice of our health care providers before we further overburden our health care system by trying to be tested for the virus.

I was also provided with a link to a story that helps explain why pool closures in all resident owned communities in our state are probably going to be a reality sooner rather than later. We’ve discussed the difficulties and dangers of allowing pools to remain open with a number of our communities and I think closing pools sends an important message to residents and guests that this pandemic must be taken seriously—it’s not an exaggeration to say the lives of each resident and guest may depend on that. Apparently, too many of our neighbors still haven’t gotten the message. Here’s the link with the disclaimer on my part that it is not my intent (nor that of the person who provided this link to me) to make any political judgments—and it should be noted that earlier today, New York’s Governor Cuomo spent a portion of his COVID-19 update scolding and pleading with the “millennials” in NYC who were still playing basketball, congregating in parks and on sidewalks and otherwise acting as if we weren’t dealing with a very dangerous virus that’s already taken too many lives throughout our country and the world to wake up and face reality. Anyway, here’s the link: Orlando Weekly

We are all in this together: young and old, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Let’s do our best to protect ourselves and our neighbors.

Hopefully, I won’t be bothering you again today—I am going to put on some music and try to read a good book!

Stay safe and healthy!


There was no Monday Morning Coffee & Donuts again this morning. Our clubhouse is still closed, as is our pool and all activities. We did, however, have an informal gathering outside the clubhouse where about 46 social distancing-conscience-residents attended. HOA President Bob Helmstadter was able to share with us the current situations for our beautiful park.

There will be no gourmet committee for April and no entertainment planned until further notice. Many of our residents are returning north for the summer, some sooner than usual due to travel restrictions, and some are staying a little longer to wait out the virus. After all, if you must self quarantine, can you think of any better place than central Florida?!

Lynette Pickup shared the birthday wishes this week for Bill French, Sue Drudge, Mike MacDonald, Brenda Geiger and Russ Moody. There are two anniversaries this week celebrated by Bill & Nadene French and Jim & Freda Munda Munds (35 years).

Carol Parker shared the Sunshine Report noting that Bob Hazelett has recovered from his cough, Larry McLain had pneumonia but is getting better. Vicki McClain had a flare up with MS. Wayne Voight is starting to come around with his knee surgery. Doug Meyers has been riding his bicycle since his knee surgery and seems to be going much better. We are aware of four folks that are fighting bronchitis, but no cards are going around to avoid sharing germs. As always please keep everyone in our prayers.

HOA Membership Host John Pickup announced he has officially welcomed new residents, the Melinski’s, to Hammock Estates. We’re all looking forward to meeting them as soon as the social distancing restrictions are lifted!

We do have extra directories for anyone wanting a 2nd copy. They are available for $20 each. Please contact Linda Price or Nancy Pratt.

A sheet of corrections to the directory will be available soon. There are some corrections and a few additions/deletions. We are a community that is constantly changing, please keep your directory up to date.

New addition to the website, Emergency notices under Communications. Please look at this for park updates from Dave Zeller.

We are still seeking someone to take over the newsletter for the summer months, May – October, while I go home for the summer. Please let me know, Thank you!


There was no Monday Morning Coffee & Donuts this morning. In response to the Governor of the State of Florida the Resident Owned Community (ROC) and the Home Owners Association (HOA) for Highlands Estates have decided to close the clubhouse and cancel all group gatherings through March 28. The situation will be further assessed at that time. This included the appreciation dinner for last Saturday, the Wednesday afternoon Jam Sessions and all scheduled activities. All reporting for the newsletter will be by correspondence. Please send any information you may have to Bob Mellinger at Mellingerr@aol.com.

Lynette Pickup shared the birthday wishes this week for Dick Asmussen, Bill Gardner, Pat Brevoort, Cynde Kochensparger, Pat Moody, Don Madden, Jerry Epson, Joe Cole and Laura Imboden. There is one anniversary this week celebrated by Mike & Tami Gerity.

Carol Parker shared the Sunshine Report noting that Bob Hazelett has a persistent cough. She has not been notified of anyone else being ill but, as always please keep everyone in our prayers.

Martha Watson submitted the gamming report for some of the activities last week. Claude Funk won the hotball at Bingo for $44; JoAnn Schultz won pinochle; Judy Fahl also won euchre; and Bob Mellinger & Jim Munds won horseshoes on Monday with Johnnie Baldwin winning on Saturday. There will not be any further gaming reports until activities resume.

We are still seeking someone to take over the newsletter for the summer months, May – October, while I go home for the summer. Please let me know, Thank you!


After a brief Monthly HOA Business Meeting, President Bob Helmstadter moved into the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with 78 present.

We had two visitors this week, Carol Danzers’ brother, Larry and Bob Mellingers’ friend Dave Landis from Ohio. Dave Acker announced he is returning north this week to attend his grand daughters’ school event.

Cynde Kochensparker, a nurse and local resident gave us an update on the Corona Virus and the precautions everyone should be taking to prevent the spread. Most important is to avoid contact with anyone when not feeling well. More updates will follow as information becomes available.

Mary Funk provided the opener.

Lynette Pickup announced the birthday wishes this week for Claude Belton, Judy Fahl and Mary Little. There is one anniversary this week celebrated by Rick & Mary Motsinger (53 years!).

Carol Parker shared the Sunshine Report noting that Former resident Bob Thompson had heart attack last week. A card was mailed to Nancy and Bob from the park. Joe Cole is still not feeling well. Wayne Voight had knee surgery. Doug Meyers also had knee surgery. Grant Parker had surgery Friday on stent removal and the rest gallstones. He is recovering nicely. Please keep everyone in our prayers.

Judy Fahl announced we had 95 attend Bluegrass last week. It is every Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the clubhouse.

Martha Watson gave the gaming report. The winners this past week were: Karen Potter at Bingo won the $44 hot ball jackpot; Max Fahl won pinochle; Max Fahl also won euchre; Ron DeGraaff won corn hole; Chuck and Carol Danzer won shuffleboard on Tuesday with no winners on Friday; and, Russ “horseshoe” Moody won horseshoes on Monday and on Saturday.

The calendar for the upcoming week includes the following: We have water aerobics today at 1:00 PM; Sewing Class at 1:00 PM; and Bingo at 7:00 PM.

Tuesday we have shuffleboard at 9:00 AM. Bible study at 2:00 PM.

Wednesday is Line Dancing at 10:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM, Bluegrass at 1:00 PM and Pinochle at 7:00 PM.

Thursday is Corn Hole at 9:00 AM and Euchre at 7:00 PM.

Friday has Shuffleboard at 9:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM and Game Night at 7:00 PM.

Lee Baldwin has shared an update on the Birthday News!!! Saturday, March 7, seventy-four residents converged at the Clubhouse to celebrate over 140 birthdays. We, of course, celebrated all the March babies, plus all of the babies born in May through October. The April babies will have their party on April, 4, the first Saturday in April.

We celebrated two very important Birthdays. Sandy Oleesky turned 95 years young on March 3, and his neighbor, Dick Asmussen will celebrate 95 years on March 16. They both received special Birthday Cakes, plus, all good wishes from the crowd. Just think, we might be celebrating their 100th in just 5 years! Wouldn’t that be special?

We had an array of fabulous sandwiches, chips and pickles, then gorged on 7 different flavors of cupcakes, and then washed it all down with Lime Surprise Punch. Nobody went home hungry; in fact, some of the ladies didn’t have to cook supper!!! YEH!!!

The Birthday Bunch Girls want to thank everybody who came out and made our efforts worthwhile. We plan the Parties so that nobody gets forgotten on their special day. Hope to see a big crowd in April.

Bob Helmstadter thanked the Birthday Party committee for a great celebration last Saturday and thanked the gourmet committee in February for a well done job. The volunteers are much appreciated.

Bill Gardner presented an update from the ROC, we now have an AED on premises. Those interested are encourages to learn how it operates.

Mike Watson reminded everyone that if the pool is not open and you would like to use it, to please call him for opening.

Linda Price reminded anyone that did not pick up their new directory to contact herself or Nancy Pratt and anyone wanting a 2nd book may purchase one for $20. Also, the updates and corrections to the directory will be posted on the bulletin board.

Carol Danzer reminded everyone of the Resident Appreciation Dinner on March 14. Please sign up! All residents are encouraged to attend at no cost. A $5 fee is charged for any adult guests.

The 50/50 winner was Pat Brevoort for $35.

The guessing game was worth $10.25 and won by Lon Childress. (That’s 2 weeks in a row for Lon!)

The donuts today were provided by Max & Judy Fahl and Joyce Chapman.

The closer was provided by Dave Acker.

We are seeking someone to take over the newsletter for the summer months, May – October, while I enjoy some Ohio weather. Anyone willing to help out will be greatly appreciated. Please let me know, Thank you!

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.


After a brief Monthly HOA Business Meeting, President Bob Helmstadter moved into the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with 101 present. We had no new residents this week or visitors.

Lee Baldwin provided the opener.

Lynette Pickup announced the birthday wishes this week for Alexis Iveson, Dick Smith, Sandy Olensky, Betty Pfeiffer, Yvonne Moran and Mary Newman. There is one anniversary this week celebrated by Bill & Diana Morgan (46 years!).

Carol Parker shared the Sunshine Report noting that Ralph Centers fell on steps from Pontoon. He is all bruised and hopefully on the mends. Joe Cole has been not feeling well. He has been coughing. A card being passed around to be signed for him. Doug Meyers is having knee surgery and Cynthia Phillips has flu. Gerry McLennan has bad cold. We hope he is feeling better soon. Keep everyone in your prayers.

We also wanted to thank Cynde Kochensparker for all the cards she has given for the sunshine committee.

Judy Fahl announced we had 107 attend Bluegrass last week. It is every Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the clubhouse.

Martha Watson gave the gamming report. The winners this past week were: Pennt Walters, Teresa Desautels & Rachel McDaniel at Bingo split the $41 hot ball; Punk Kochensparger won pinochle; Claude Funk won euchre; Russ Moody won corn hole; Mike McCarville and Ruth Helmstadter won shuffleboard on Tuesday with Ed and Annette Layher winning on Friday; and, Johnny Baldwin won horseshoes on Monday.

Linda Price shared the calendar for the upcoming week, we have water aerobics today at 1:00 PM; Sewing Class at 1:00 PM; and Bingo at 7:00 PM.

Tuesday we have shuffleboard at 9:00 AM. Ladies Luncheon at 11:00 AM and going to the Caddy Shack. Bible study at 2:00 PM and entertainment night at 7:00 PM. The entertainment will be Back Porch Revival with cookies provided.

Wednesday is Line Dancing at 10:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM, Bluegrass at 1:00 PM and Pinochle at 7:00 PM.

Thursday is Corn Hole at 9:00 AM and Euchre at 7:00 PM.

Friday has Shuffleboard at 9:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM and Game Night at 7:00 PM.

Saturday at 2:00 PM is the monthly birthday Party. Lee Baldwin asked for additional volunteers as this is going to be a larger-than-normal celebration for all birthdays in March and May through October, 143 in all. The theme will be Mardi Gras celebration.

Nancy Pratt announced the new directory is here! Please pick up your copy during morning coffee.

Carol Danzer reminded everyone of the Resident Appreciation Dinner on March 14. Please sign up! All residents are encouraged to attend at no cost. A $5 fee is charged for any adult guests.

The 50/50 winner was Bert Centers for $44.

The guessing game had a $16 carry over from last week and took in an additional $15.75 this week and was split among 6 winners. They were Carol Danzer, Lon Childress, Roberts Degraff, Kathy Gardner, JoAnn Schultz and Ron Harmon.

The donuts today were provided by Dan & Mary Newman, Mike & Betty McCarville and Alan & Nancy Pratt.

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.