Managers Update June 27, 2019

The lift stations have been cleaned! There was a problem at the station
at Roger & Rodney Streets. The float switch was stuck in the on position due
to grease build up. Luckily there was no damage to either pump.
We will schedule clean-outs on a regular basis going forward.

On Tuesday July 2 @ 9:00 am the clubhouse bathroom partitions will be removed. The bathrooms will be out of service at this time. Lon Childress and Jonnie Baldwin have volunteered to help with this project. After the partitions the plumbing will be scheduled. I will update you on those dates because the bathrooms will be out-of-service for that work to be completed.

Manager’s Update

A few thank you’s first!

I would like to thank Freda Munds for notifing me of the problem in the ladies bathroom. That has been repaired and now usable. I will look further into the damage to the walls.

I would also like to thank Ken and Ralph for repairing the generator and and volunteering to periodically run it, so it is ready, should we need it this season and for their continued work on the yard posts.

Thanks to Carol Danzer for doing some weeding of the plants out front while she is here.

The gas tank for the generator has been install as well as the generator set in place with some of the electrical work completed. We have to wait for Duke energy to redo the connection before the contractor can finish the electrical. Ridge propane should run their gas connection this week.

We will be having Elite plumbing coming to clean out the 2 lift stations. Not scheduled as of today.

We will start on the club house bathroom renovation soon. The progress of the work will be:

  1. Remove partitions in both bathrooms. Volunteers needed, anyone interested please contact me. Thanks
  2. Plumber will do his work. Replace 2 toilets, 2 sinks, new faucets and handrails onside of toilet and in back of eash toilet. The toilet, sink,faucets and handrails will meet ADA Compliance.
  3. Bob Helmstadter has graciously volunteered to finish off the bathrooms when he returns in September. This will include: 2-3ft doors, hanging mirrors, painting and maybe a few other items. Volunteers to help him would also be welcomed.
    Starting date will be announced shortly.

Tree trimming will be the week of July 15th, same tree service as last year.

There is a new combination lock on the pool gate. Please contact me if you need the combination..

There is a lady from the Caladium Arts and Crafts Co-op in Lake Placid that is willing to teach arcylic painting at our club house. There is a minimun of 5 people needed to conduct the class.

She will supply all material for $20.00 per person. The class runs 2-3 hours and all you need to bring is a photo of what you want to paint. She is very talented and has won numerous awards. This can be done year round so long as there are a minimum of 5 people. Please contact me if interested in pursuing this.

Welcome to Manager Updates!

Management will be posting updates/progress on projects happening in the park along with any other information that needs to be shared. There will not be any specific posting schedule but all posts will remain in tact so that no-one misses any of them. You will be able to check them at any time. Manager updates will appear in the Communications menu as well as a link to the section on the newsletter.

Thank you


June 24, 2019

Lon Childress opened our Monday morning coffee hour. Harold Price had a great opener.

Our count was 27.

Lots of June birthday kids; Jim Morgan, Linda Price, Carol Phelps and Sylvia Flanagan.

Anniversary wishes go to; George and Sandy Sherry, Joe and Sylvia Flanagan and Ron and Roberta DeGraaff.

Chuck and Carol Danzer have returned for a couple of weeks. Carol reported that Chuck will have knee replacement surgery on July 23 up north and if that one goes ok he will have the other knee done too.

Linda Price reported that word has been received that Jim Forrest has cancer. Alan Pratt has been down with a UTI. Cards were signed and mailed to each today. Yvonne Moran is in the Palms and should be back home in a week. Lynette Pickup will have eye surgery for a torn retina this week. Betty Lawson is still doing treatments up north. Lynne Brewer called and she came home from rehab, she is using a walker and is improving every day from her knee surgery on June 4th. Annette Layer lost her brother to cancer last week. Ralph Ousley is receiving treatments. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.

Harold reported that we received a thank you card from the Sebring Safehouse for the items given.

Wendy Roth sent a thank you letter from the food bank for the 276 pounds of food given in a month.

No Managers report.

One of the stools in the lady’s bathroom sprung a leak over the week-end. The hose from the shut off valve came loose from the stool. The water has been shut off but there is some water damage to the wall into the laundry room. Dave was notified of the problem.

Dinner out this week will be Wednesday June 26 4;30 at Tabby’s bar and Grill in Lake Placid. This is newly opened so off we will go and try them out. Susan Kimmel will make the reservation for 20.

Don’t forget Bingo tonight and games through out the week.

Big thank you to Freda and Jim for the coffee and donuts this morning.

Anyone wanting to add news or pictures please let me know. I am just filling in for the summer until someone else can do the newsletter.


Lon Childress opened our meeting, John Pickup gave us a quick opener and
the count was 29.

Our piano gal Miriam led us in song for birthday kids Tim Ponke, Gail Hubbard and Bill Little.

Those celebrating their anniversaries were Linda and Harold Price, Bill and Kathy Gardner and Terry and Lisa Bain.

Linda Price gave the sunshine report. 3 cards were sent around the table for signatures. One to Ralph Ousley who is in the hospital, one to Yvonne Moran who in in rehab in Wauchula, and one to Gary Bruner who is not feeling the best. Gene Morgan was in a mowing machine accident and has
broken both legs anyone wishing to send him a card and need his address contact me. Judy Fahl will start her therapy this week. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.

Mary and Claude Funk have been back in the park for a few days and will be headed back up north today.

Sylvia Epson has a new combination lock for the pool. It has a nice long shaft and should work really good.

No Manager Report.

Bingo tonight, games Tues and Friday, water aerobics M-W-F.

Bean Soup is Tuesday June 18, 4:00 at clubhouse. Bring your bowl, cornbread, or potatoes and your drink.

Dinner out Thursday June 20 at 4:30 at Dimitri’s. Sue Drudge will call and make reservations.

Thank you to Linda and Harold for the egg casserole and orange juice.


June 10, 2019

Opener this morning was given by John Pickup. The count was 23, down from last week.

Sylvia Epson filled in for Lon Childress this morning as Lon and Rachel headed up north for a short visit.

Lynnette Pickup gave the birthday list: Herb Moscowitz, Sandy Dotseth, Don Little and Larry Hegarty. The anniversaries were: Alan & Marlene Burns and John & Brenda Tromp.

Our piano gal was not feeling good this morning so we all sang in Acappella, not bad for a small group.

Linda Price gave the sunshine report. A card was sent around for Lynne Brewer who had knee surgery last Tues. She will be in rehab for about 2 weeks. Ralph Ousley is not feeling very good so keep him in your prayers. If you know of someone that needs a visit or a card please let me know.

John Pickup introduced our newest residents Barbara and Bob Burke. They purchased the Bill Hardin (Janet Felt) house on Louis. A big welcome to the Burke’s.

Dinner out will be at the Caddy Shack on Wednesday June 12, at 4:30. Linda will call in the reservations. If you weren’t included in the count on Monday give her a call if you want to go.

Linda Price reported on the Hurricane preparedness that was at the mall over the weekend. She has forms if any one is interested.

Pool lock is broke in need of new one. Dave will purchase a new lock this week.

Please remember to lock doors on the club house.

Manager Report: Dave wants to form a committee to look after the trees and bushes on Louis street. If no one offers to help he will have to hire it done. They need to have fertilizer and be weeded.

Bean soup on June 18 at 4:00pm.

Bingo tonight and games always on Tues and Friday nights. Remember you can play any time. Corn hole I believe is still on Thurs mornings. Thank you Jim Munds for the score board.

Thank you to Bert and Ralph Centers for the morning coffee and donuts Harold gave the closer.


Harold Price gave the opener. Count down was 33.

Birthdays were Linda Stebleton and Bob Helmstadter.

Anniversaries were Linda & Jim Stebleton, Mike & Betty McCarville, Jim & Ann Miller and Gary & Sue Lewis.

Sunshine Report: No one contacted us with anyone being sick, so hopefully everyone is doing fine.

New Residents: Bennie and Bonnie Cassidy are our new full time residents who were in attendance. They purchased Shirley Ness’s home on John L. A big welcome was given.

Dinner out this week will be on Wednesday June 5, at 4:00 PM at Cody’s.

Martha Watson has a cruise scheduled, the information is at the bottom of our news letter.

Bingo at 7:00 PM tonight, games nights Tuesday and Friday and with an activity there available when ever the mood strikes.

Johnnie Baldwin reported that the shuffle board courts are complete and ready for use. He also explained how to use the silicone spray for the pucks.

Park Manager Report: He thanked the people for helping with the shuffle board court.

Comments: Freda Munds reported that Terry and Joan made it back home safe and sound.

Questions as to when the trees would be trimmed? Dave reported in July.

Water level in the pool is low. This is due to evaporation.

We had an unwanted visitor in the park this past week. He found cars unlocked and helped himself to what ever he found, he stole Mariam Steeles bike. Please be diligent in locking up your property. Summer is here and kids roam free through our park.

The club house is to be locked Tuesday thru Sunday with exception of scheduled activities. Please remember to lock up when you leave.

This weekend is Hurricane Preparedness at Lakeshore Mall. This is a good time to get ready for Hurricane season.

July 4th will be a potluck at 4:00 PM a sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

Thanks to Sylvia & Jerry for the wonderful egg casseroles.


Our Memorial Day BBQ was a great success. Harold Price lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Pastor Gerald Steel lead us in prayer. There were plenty of burgers and dogs, everyone brought a wonderful covered dish.

After our meal Vice President Lon Childress opened our normally held coffee hour. John Pickup had the afternoon opener. There were 39 present.

Lynette Pickup gave the one birthday for Johnnie Baldwin and no anniversaries this week.

Carol Parker (our sunshine gal) is up north so Linda Price gave the Sunshine report.

As of today no one has reported any sickness. Hopefully everyone can stay healthy this summer. Please contact Linda if you know someone that needs a card.

Lon said that the new shuffle board liners will be put down on Wednesday at 8:30am, any help will be appreciated.

Tonight is Bingo at 7:00.

Thursday night out for dinner is at Hibachi Grill at 5:00pm Only 5 or 6 people were interested at this time but always open for more.

Last Thursday a group of 16 gathered at Sizzlers Grill in Lake Wales for a great meal.

We had one guest today, Sherry, who is Janet Felts daughter.

Tuesday and Friday night is still game night, Saturday night is open now for games also. Thursday morning some are still playing Cornhole at 9:00.

Water aerobics is still on M-W-F.

Lynette Pickup lead us in song America the Beautiful.

Thank you to Sylvia Epson, Harold and Linda Price for the BBQ and all the people that helped with the clean up. It is events like this that helps to bring the people in the park together and enjoy each and every ones company.

We are in the need of a person to take notes for the news letter on Monday Morning Coffee Hour.