May 24, 2021

Benny Casady opened our meeting with an opener. Countdown was 22.

Birthdays this week are David Taylor and Johnnie Baldwin.
Anniversary wishes this week went to Russ and Pat Moody. Belated wishes to Alan and Nancy Bailey Pratt as we missed them last week.

Tom and Erika Wagner were introduced as our new year-round residents. They purchased Punk Kochensparger’s house on John L.

Joan Voight our Sunshine gal needs people to let her know of anyone ill or needing a card. Chuck Danzer’s brother is very sick and he and Carol will be headed to Ohio to see him. Sandy Oleesky will be under VA care. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.

Shuffle Board, game night, corn hole and bingo players all had a good time. Everyone is a winner in the summer time. Please come out and enjoy the games. Don’t forget Friday night games were moved to Thursday night at 7:00. Bingo tonight at 7:00.

Plans for a Memorial Day Potluck was discussed. We have 24 people signed up. The meat and drinks will be furnished. Please bring your own table service. We will have our Monday morning meeting after the dinner.

Barbara Burke won the 50/50.

Thank you to Joan and Wayne Voight for the donuts this morning.

Wayne Voight told us the story of his adventure this last week with the barbwire. Give him a call and he will tell you all about it.

Harold Price gave the closer.

May 17, 2021

Lynette Pickup conducted our meeting this morning. Harold Price and Lynette Pickup gave the openers. Miriam Steele was our pianist. Count was a big 25.

Birthdays this week are Bob Sylvia and Mike McCarville.

Anniversary will be the big 50 for Kirtes and Billie Calvery.

Joan Voight gave the Sunshine report. Card were sent to Tom Beatie as he is not doing well. Card to Bonnie and Benny Casady for the loss of their granddaughter. Joan mentioned the card that was sent to Pat Pierson was returned. Betty Pfeiffer mentioned that Jim Forrest has cancer and is not doing well.

John Pickup introduced new residents Noushad “Al” & Indrani “Debbie” Aszal who bought the Donald Phelps home. Larry Bolling who bought the Jack Tomasevich home.

Memorial Day Potluck at 1:00 pm. Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. Bring your own place setting.

Don’t forget to sign up for Monday Morning Coffee on the calendar.

Game night will be Tuesday and Thursdays at 7:00 pm, notice the change in evenings. Bingo Mondays at 7:00 pm. Corn Hole on Wednesday and Fridays at 7:00 pm. Water Aerobics M-W-F at 10:00 am. ShuffleBoard Tuesday -Thursday at 8:00 am

Harold and Linda Price bought the donuts.

Joan Voight won the 50/50 drawing and took home $10.

Lynette Pickup gave the closer