
Lon Childress Opened our Monday Morning Meeting with 48 present. We have 4 returnee’s and 2 visitors. The morning opener was provided by Lee Baldwin, starting us off with a good chuckle.

Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes to Lowell Brevoort, Dave Zeller, Myrtle Johnson and Carol Ruccio. One anniversary this week celebrated by Jim and Patty Forrest.

Ruth Helmstadter gave the sunshine report, noting that no one has reported any new cares. We are praying this continues!

Bob Helmstadter announced the bathroom doors in the club house will\ have been replaced and now looking for a volunteer to do the painting.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays and Bluegrass on Wednesday’s at 1:00. Cornhole will resume next week at 9:00 AM on Thursdays.

There will be no Thursday night dinner this week or until further notice.

Those attending the morning coffee on November 4 are asked to bring 2 cans of food to help replenish the local food bank.

The morning closer was provided by visiting family member Judie Mellinger.

The donuts today were provided by Ralph and Jenny Ousley.


Lon Childress Opened our Monday Morning Meeting with 46 residents present. Welcome back to all the returnee’s!

Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes to Carol Danzer, Jim Miller, Mike Gerity, Grant Parker, Dave Acker and Pam Myers. Anniversaries this week are Jerry and Sylvia Eason and Rod and Delores Kelly.

Carol Grant gave the sunshine report, noting that no one has reported any new cares but, to please continue to keep Edith Patterson in our prayers.

Lee Baldwin shared information about dinner theatre opportunities at the Hudson Dinner Theatre. Anyone interested in attending a show is asked to contact Lee about scheduling.

John Pickup announced that he was aware of one home selling in the park but, has not yet met the new owners.

Bob Helmstadter announced the bathroom doors in the club house will be replaced on Thursday and the pool solar panel support is slated for repairs in November. Volunteers are asked to lend a hand with what is projected to be a 4-day process. Also, a notice will be posted seeking bids for lawn care services for the park’s common areas for the 202 year. It is open to residents until November 15. If no one is found by then, it will be opened to the public.

Donut sign-up sheets for November to April are out now for anyone willing to donate $10 towards the weekly meeting treats.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays and Bluegrass on Wednesday’s at 1:00.

Thursday night dinner this week is at the New Mexican Grill.

The donuts & sweet treats today were provided by Pat Pierson.

2727 John L St

For Sale By Owner $69,900
2727 John L St Sebring, FL 33870
Please call: 918-931-2182

Description of Property

  • 1979 Commodore Double Wide
  • Lot Size 50’x 100′
  • 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom
  • Updated Kitchen appliances
  • New floating floor in kitchen, dining room and bathrooms (2019)
  • Carpet installed in 2017
  • 2 walk-in closets in Master bedroom
  • High rise Toilets 09/2019
  • New Air Conditioner installed 2018
  • Aluminum Life time roof installed around 2002 date unk.


Lon Childress opened our meeting this morning with Bob Helmstadter giving us our morning laugh. There was 41 present today.

Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes to Gary Bruner, Terry Webber and Harold Price. The anniversaries were for Vern and Brenda Hollingsworth and Chuck and Carol Danzer.

Carol Grant gave the sunshine report. She sent two cards around for signatures. One for Ken Gillie, who was in the hospital over the weekend, but is home and doing good per Patty. The other card is for Ralph Ousley, who is having more medical problems.

Returnees this week are Bob & Nancy Mellinger, Doug & Pam Myers, Bill & Diane Morgan, Terry Webber & Ron Harmon.

Bingo tonight at 7:00pm. Games both Tuesday and Friday evening.

Dinner out this week with be at Victoria’s on Spring Lake at 5:00pm.

Don’t forget to sign up for the potluck on Tuesday the 22nd at 5:00pm, the sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

We want to thank Bill & Peggy Little for the donation for the coffee and donuts this morning.

This will be my last newsletter. I have enjoyed keeping everyone in touch with all the happenings within the park. We have a volunteer to continue the newsletter. Bob Mellinger has kindly offered. Please give him your support on this task.

Managers Update 10-8-2019

I was shocked to read the newsletter this week. The paragraph about the pool is not only wrong but misleading.

The high-water level was caused by either the pool cleaner leaving a valve closed or by a resident (unauthorized) that was messing around in the equipment enclosure and accidently caused its closing.

The pool equipment functioned and continues to function as it was designed to. There was no problem with the equipment, the problem was a person. Access to the pool equipment is for authorized persons only, that is why only they have a key.

I know a resident was in there because one of the water timers was turned off. Which has been corrected so the plants will still get water. Residents, please contact the “office” with your questions or concerns.

In regards to the pool being “overfilled” I and the pool company decided to leave it that way because of lack of rain and evaporation.

Replacement of the solar blanket was being handled before this newsletter and does not require board approval.

 I hope, future newsletters provide correct and accurate information and not written on hearsay or assumptions.

It was also brought to my attention that a few residents have tried to contact me and did not get a reply. The reason as I found out is that they were using my personal phone number. I do not answer calls that are not in my contacts.

Please use the office number, 863-382-0347, that number is forwarded to the office cell phone that I keep with me. If I do not answer you have the opportunity to leave a message and I will get back to you.

Communication with management will avoid misinformation.


Lon Childress opened the meeting, with Harold Price giving the opener. The count was 35 this morning. A good indication that the northerners are returning.

Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes to Don Phelps, Barbara Burke and Claude Funk. There were no anniversaries.

Sunshine Report was given by Carol Parker. Pat Butts is out of the hospital and is hoping to come to Florida later. Ralph Centers is recuperating from surgery and Chuck Danzer is doing much better with his back problem.

Returnees this week John & Lynette Pickup, Bill & Diana Morgan, Mike & Tami Gerity, Terry & Joan McGarigle, Phil & Teresa Desautels and Bob and Ruth Helmstadter.

New residents: John Pickup reported that the Taylors have purchased Bob & Nancy Thompson home. He has not received all information yet.

Blue Grass starts this week. Wednesday at 1:00 y’all come and enjoy the music. Bingo tonight and games as usual.

October 22, at 5:00 will be our potluck. Sign up sheet is on the board.

We need volunteers for the gourmet committees for November, December and April. Won’t you please help our community have the best Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners?

The pool needs a new cover and this can not be purchased until all the board members are here to have the purchase approved. With the cooler evenings the water is getting colder and there is no heat turned on. The float value is not working properly and therefore the pool has way too much water and everything has been turned off. Apparently the pool people need authorization to fix or repair any problems with the pool.

Lon gave Sylvia Epson and Linda Price a big thank you for all the work they did this summer with all the dinners we had in the park.

A big thank you to Lon and Rachel for all the work they have done this summer.

Linda has asked for a volunteer to do the news letter for Oct 21 and 28 as she will be out of the park those days.

Thank you to Bob & Kat Hazelett for the donation for donuts this morning. Harold Price gave a closer.