Lon Childress Opened our Monday Morning Meeting with 48 present. We have 4 returnee’s and 2 visitors. The morning opener was provided by Lee Baldwin, starting us off with a good chuckle.
Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes to Lowell Brevoort, Dave Zeller, Myrtle Johnson and Carol Ruccio. One anniversary this week celebrated by Jim and Patty Forrest.
Ruth Helmstadter gave the sunshine report, noting that no one has reported any new cares. We are praying this continues!
Bob Helmstadter announced the bathroom doors in the club house will\ have been replaced and now looking for a volunteer to do the painting.
Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays and Bluegrass on Wednesday’s at 1:00. Cornhole will resume next week at 9:00 AM on Thursdays.
There will be no Thursday night dinner this week or until further notice.
Those attending the morning coffee on November 4 are asked to bring 2 cans of food to help replenish the local food bank.
The morning closer was provided by visiting family member Judie Mellinger.
The donuts today were provided by Ralph and Jenny Ousley.