
Lon Childress opened the meeting and also gave the opener. There were 22 present this morning.Rachel Childress gave the birthday wishes to Bonnie Casady and Susan Hazen (RV)

Sunshine Report: I received email from Joyce Chapman she has had hernia surgery this month but is doing good. She hopes to be back in the park the end of October and looking forward to Wednesday’s music. Lee Baldwin is still having trouble with a cough that just won’t go away. Harold Price is having sinus problems that has caused a bad cough.

Returnees were Carol and Grant Parker.  Linda happily gave the sun-shine reporting back to Carol.  Welcome back.

The cleaning party went very good. Thanks to Lon and Rachel for the pizza. There are pictures on the web of the cleaning party.

Dinner out this week will be Caddy Shack at 5:00 pm Lon to call for reservations.

A carry in pot luck will be October 22, 5:00 pm. No main dish will be provided. So bring a meat hot-dish. Sign up sheet will be on the board.

Bingo tonight and games Tuesday and Friday.

Thank you to Bob and Barbara Burke for the donuts this morning.


Happy First Day of Fall!
Lon Childress opened the meeting.  Judy Fahl gave the opener to Harold Price to read. That farmer sure knew how to get even with the car salesman. Count today was 25.

Rachel Childress gave the birthday wishes for this week to Edythe MacDonald and Benny Casady.  Anniversary wishes to Al & Iva Stewart and Bob & Pat Rice.

Sunshine Report.  Judy Fahl is doing great after carpel tunnel and cyst surgery.  Gerald Steele had a stint put in last Tuesday and is doing good. Heard that Pat Buttshas been in the hospital.  Bud Pheiffer is back from a short trip up north where he took a tumble and landed right on his face.  He says he feels better than he looks. Ralph Centers is now scheduled for September 30 for his surgery. Haven’t heard from anyone one up north as to any illness or accidental falls. Stay healthy my friends!

September 25 at 10:00 am is our cleaning of the club house, don’t forget.  There will be Pizza to follow.

October 9, at 1:00 pm our Blue Grass Jam begins.

The lights have been off on the shuffle board courts at night since Friday, Lon will check into that. The park has looked really good this week, thanks to all the elves, who have helped.

Flu Shot Clinic can be held on any Monday if we can get 20 people signed up. Flu season is just around the corner and we should all be getting out shots.

Thursday night out will be Cody’s at 5:00pm.

Bingo tonight and games Tuesday and Friday.

Thank you to Sylvia for the best biscuits and sausage gravy this morning.

There was an award, made by Bob Burke, for sportsmanship, best player of Corn hole given out this morning. A picture is at the bottom of this newsletter.


Lon Childress opened the meeting with Harold Price giving the morning funny opener. The count today was 28.

Rachel Childress gave the list of six birthday kids and one anniversary. Carol Parker, Mary MacArthur, Peggy Little, Stephen Feltenberger, Lisa Bain and Al Stewart, Claude and Mary Funk.

Sunshine report: A card was signed for Sonny Emmons who fell this last week and sprained his shoulder and had other bumps and bruises. Judy Fahl had her carpel tunnel surgery she will have a to wear a brace on it for awhile. Gerald Steele has his heart cath this week. Sue Drudge is starting her knee PT and is doing much better.

Welcome back Wayne and Joan Voight from their summer up north. Joan says since she is back, the aerobics at the pool will be back on M,W,F at 10:00 am.

Chicken Dinner is today at 4:00 pm. Please bring your table setting and something to drink.

September 25th at 10:00 am there will be a cleaning party at the club house. There will be pizza lunch served to all the workers. Please come and help and enjoy the company of each other.

The winter schedule is already starting in October as the Blue Grass Jams will start October 9, at 1:00 pm.

Bingo will be tonight at 7:00 pm. Corn hole to follow for all those interested. The games are still on Tuesday and Friday nights at 7:00 pm.

Thank you to Rachel for setting up the coffee and donuts that were furnished by John and Lynette Pickup who will be returning to the park in a couple of weeks.

The summer has really sped by way to quickly. The summer group of residents have really enjoyed their time together and are looking forward to the park starting to fill up with lots of people.


Lon Childress opened the meeting with Harold Price giving the opener.  The count was 22 this morning.

Rachel gave the birthday wishes to Gerald Steele and Dolores Kelly this week, with the anniversary wish to Doug and Pam Myers.

Sunshine report:  Betty Pheiffer is home and feeling much better.  Ralph Centers back surgery was a complete success. The park heard of the loss of Gail McLennan in June. Our condolences go to Gerry.

Lon thanked everyone that helped with the park, putting awnings down and picking up small yard ornaments the week that Dorian was suppose to come our way.  So glad that the storm didn’t come our way and so very sorry for the total destruction it caused the Bahamas.

It has been brought to every ones attention that our mail boxes are being watched and robbed of the out going and incoming mail.  Please try to keep an eye out for any one in the neighborhood that looks like they don’t belong here. Call the police if you suspect any thing.

Chicken dinner that was scheduled for Labor Day will be next Monday 09/16 at 4:00pm .  Refunds will be given to those who had paid and now can not make this date.

Dinner out this week will be at the new Mexican restaurant Azul Tequila Thursday 09/12/19 at 5:00 pm.

Wednesday September 25, 2019 at 10:00 am there will be a community cleaning of the clubhouse. Lon said there will be a treat. You have to show up to see what it is all about, be sure to bring your cleaning rags.

Patty Gillie mentioned that there has been a guy in the park trying to sell meat out of his truck please tell him to leave the park as there no soliciting in the park and there are signs that say this.

Bingo tonight and games as usual.

Big THANK YOU to Rachel Childress for the wonderful egg casseroles this morning, and to Lon who helped carry them or so it was said. LOL!


Happy Labor Day everyone.  The streets of Hammock Estate looks like a ghost town.  Thank you to everyone that helped with getting the awnings down on homes.  Thanks for picking up loose items through out the park.

Our Labor Day Chicken Dinner had been postponed last week in lieu of the up coming Hurricane.

Today Lon Childress opened the meeting with Harold Price giving an opener and the count was 24. We decided on Saturday night to have coffee and donuts because Dorian still has not made its path known for today.

Rachel Childress gave the birthday list and boy there are a lot of birthdays this week: Sonny Emmons, Max Fahl, John Pickup, Nadene French, Don Guy, Jenny Ousley, Donna George, Chuck Danzer, NancyBailey-Pratt and Connie Brunner. There were no anniversaries.

Sunshine Report:  Cards were sent around to be signed for Sue Drudge, as she was in hospital in Indiana, and Betty Pheiffer who is in hospital here in Sebring. Ralph Centers back surgery was successful and he is back working hard. Don Madden called and said Denise Smith is doing good and plans to be here in November and return to Michigan in Feb for further treatments.  Chuck Danzer it still having to have back surgery, says his knee is doing ok. Ralph Ousley reported that he is now half way through his treatments and October 31 will be his last one.  He thanked everyone for the thoughts and prayers. Linda read a card from Joyce Chapman.  She is doing very well with her foot now and hopes to be here in October. Lyla and Jack Fitzgerald have returned to the park. They enjoyed their summer up north. This may be the last update if we lose electricity this week.  We do not know at this point how we will be effected. Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you to Lon and Rachel for the donuts and coffee.
Harold gave a closer.