
President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with an opener by Mary Funk. We had 90 present including returnee Rod & Delores Kelly and visitors Marla (friend of Alexis Iveson), and Barb Burke’s niece Shawna.

Patty Gillie gave birthday wishes this week to Bob Rice, Jim King, Vicki DeBardi, Penny Walters, Kathy Morgan and Charleen Taylor. There is one anniversary this week, Bob & Barb Burke (60 years).

Cindy Phillips announced that Grant Parker just returned home from the hospital yesterday. Special thanks were expressed for all who assisted Herb Moscowitz this past week when he had a fire. Neighbors were especially helpful with providing meals, shelter and support. Larry Hegarty then spoke on the importance of having our furnace, A/C units, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers checked on a regular basis.

Joe Cole reported we had 130 attend Bluegrass last week. It is every Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the clubhouse.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Sewing is at 1:00 PM today, cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays, Pinochle on Wednesdays, line dancing is also on Wednesdays, at 10:00 AM. Horseshoes are every Monday at 10:00 AM (following coffee) and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. Bible Study is Tuesday 2:00 PM. Golf is every Monday and Friday. The new calendar for February will be out later this week.

Martha Watson was not present to give the gaming report as they are traveling with 7 other couples from the park on a 7-day cruise. We wish them happy times and to be blessed with safe travels!

The next Ladies Luncheon is on February 4th at the Olympic.

Jim Stebleton announced 47 people came out for music and dancing this past Saturday evening. Hopefully another one will be planned in the near future. Keep those dancing shoes handy!

Bud & Betty Pfeiffer announced their neighborhood mixer will be on February 6th.

Rick Motzinger reminded everyone the annual Fish Fry is on February 15 at 1:00 PM. There is a sign-up sheet and be sure to pay Judy Fraser.

The 50th Anniversary party will be on February 22 at 5:00 PM.

The monthly birthday party celebration for February will be this Saturday, the 1st, at 2:00 PM.

The 50/50 winner was Claude Belton for $38. The guessing game had two winners, Jerry Green and Ron DeGraaff split the $22.75 jackpot.

The donuts today were provided by Ken & Pat Gillie, Phil & Carolyn Manning and Ralph & Bert Centers.

Ron DeGraaff provided a very brief closer.

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.


President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with an opener by Bud Pfeiffer. We had 93 present including returnee Dean Baumgartner and visitors Audrey and Pat (friends of Mary Newman), and Betty Pfeiffer’s daughter Lori. Additional returnees to the park this week are Don and Carol Phelps.

Lynette Pickup gave birthday wishes this week to Rick Motsinger, Joann Voight, Ted Miller, Karen Potter and Sondra West. There are no anniversaries celebrated in the park this week.

Cindy Phillips announced that we have two cards going around for Grant Parker. He went to the emergency room Saturday evening and they kept him to prepare for gall bladder surgery today. Please keep him in your prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Sewing is at 1:00 PM today, Bluegrass is this Wednesday’s at 1:00 PM, we had 111 attend last week. Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays. Bunko is resuming on January 21 at 1:00 PM and Pinochle on Wednesdays. Line dancing is also on Wednesdays, at 10:00 AM. Horseshoes will be every Monday at 10:00 AM (following coffee) and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. Bible Study is Tuesday 2:00 PM. Golf is every Monday and Friday. Sewing Class is Mondays at 1:00 PM.

Martha Watson announced the game winners for last week were: Helen Cole and Claude Funk won the Hot Ball at Bingo worth $25.50 each; Mike Watson won Euchre; Jim Munds won Cornhole; Claude Funk won Pinochle; Mike McCarville and Jonnie Baldwin won Shuffleboard on Tuesday with Claude Belton winning on Friday; and, Horseshoes was won by Jim Munds on Monday and Jim Wood on Wednesday.

The next Ladies Luncheon is on February 4th at the Olympic.

Jim Stebleton announced he is providing his DJ services this Saturday evening at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend to enjoy the music and dancing. Please provide your own snacks and drinks.

Linda Price announced the pictures for the new park directory are winding down with just a few residents remaining to have their sitting.

The 50/50 winner was Betty Pfeiffer for $42. The guessing game had no winner, so the $10.75 collected today will carry over to next week.

Bob Helmstadter went around the room and asked everyone to share where their home state is, their state motto, bird and flower. It resulted in realizing we are from a wide variety of locations, all coming together for a few months each year to be friends and neighbors.

The donuts today were provided by Pat Pierson, Gerry McLennar and Bill & Diana Morgan.

Ed Layher provided the closer.

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.


President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with an opener by Ruth Helmstadter. We had 109 present including returnee Myrtle Johnson.

Bob announced we have entertainment tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM by Glen Johnson. Ice Cream and cookies will be provided.

A special thank-you to Carol Danzer for painting the benches at the shuffleboard court.

Lynette Pickup gave birthday wishes this week to Tami Gerity, Mike Watson and Ed Layher. There are no anniversaries celebrated in the park this week.

Carol Parker gave the sunshine report: We received a nice note from Patti and Jim Forrest, it is posted in the clubhouse for all to read. Please keep Lisa Bain in your prayers as she had to have defibrillator. Plus her mother passed away last year. Lisa and her sister were helping with her dad. If you know someone is not feeling well please let Carol know.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Bluegrass is this Wednesday’s at 1:00 PM, we had 112 attend last week. Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays. Bunko is resuming on January 21 at 1:00 PM and Pinochle on Wednesdays. Horseshoes will be every Monday at 10:00 AM (following coffee) and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. Bible Study is Tuesday 2:00 PM. Golf is every Monday and Friday. Sewing Class is Mondays at 1:00 PM.

Judy Fahl announced the game winners for last week were: Judy Fraser won the Hot Ball at Bingo worth $36; Dick Thelen won Euchre; Russ Moody won Cornhole; Judy Fahl won Pinochle and, Ed Layeher and Phil Manning won Shuffleboard on Tuesday with Johnnie Baldwin winning on Friday; and Horseshoes was won by Jim Munds on Monday and on Wednesday.

The next Ladies Luncheon will be tomorrow, January 14, 2020 at Jaceranda in Avon Park. Be sure to sign up and pay $15 in advance. Meet at the Clubhouse by 11:00 AM. The Christmas decorations will still be up! The Ladies Luncheon in February is on the 4th at the Olympic.

Jim Morgan announced the next 50th Anniversary Party will be on February 14 at the Clubhouse.

Kat Hazelett asked for donations of books to our library to keep a fresh inventory.

Linda Price announced the pictures for the new park directory are going well. About 25 residents still need to have their sitting. Anyone needing to schedule a sitting are asked to do so. There is no cost for the sitting but, if anyone would like to purchase additional prints ($30 minimum) a viewing time will be scheduled about one week after your sitting.

The 50/50 winner was Barbara Burke for $33. The guessing game winners were Ann Miller and Rod Potter.

ROC President Rick Motzinger thanked everyone for their help on the men’s breakfast last week and made $197 for the HOA. He reminded us the property at 2014 John L Street will be open for bids through the 15th. Bids will be opened January 16 with the winner announced at the shareholder meeting.

Sylvia Flannagan announced the annual flea market will be on February 7. Anyone wanting a table should sign up to reserve their space and all tables must be manned by 7:00 AM on the day of the sale.

Bob Helmstadter announced there will be a memorial service on February 10 immediately following morning coffee. This service is in honor of park residents we have lost in the past year.

The donuts today were provided by Pat Pierson, Jim & Freda Munds and Ed Layher.

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.


President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monthly Monday Morning Meeting of the Hammock Estates Home Owners Association. The slate of officers will remain on the board for 2020 as follows: President and Director Bob Helmstadter; Vice President and Director Lon Childress; Secretary and Director Carol Danzer, and; Treasurer and Director Annette Layher. Directors at Large remain as: Registered Agent Claude Belton; Social Hostess Rachel Childress, and: Welcome Host John Pickup.

Committee Chairpersons:

  • 50th Wedding Celebration       
    • Kathy Morgan
  • Auditing                            
    • Ron Harmon & Judy Fahl
  • Address                                       
    • Linda Price & Judy Fraser
  • Billiards
    • Max Fahl
  • Bingo, Bunco & Pinochle
    • Teresa Desautels
  • Blue Grass Jam Sessions
    • Joe & Helen Cole
  • Breakfasts
    • Rick Motzinger
  • Clubhouse Janitorial Service
    • Martha Watson
  • Cornhole
    • Lee Baldwin
  • Directory
    • Nancy Pratt, Mary Newman, Lynette Pickup & Linda Price
  • Entertainment
    • Lon & Rachel Childress, Dan & Mary Newman, Pat Pierson and Joyce Chapman
  • Euchre
    • Max Fahl
  • Flea Market
    • Sylvia Flanagan
  • Gourmet
    • Monthly Volunteers
  • Guessing Game
    • Doug & Pam Myers
  • Heartland Food Bank
    • Harold & Linda Price
  • Horseshoes
    • Russ Moody and Jim Munds
  • Ladies Luncheons
    • Martha Watson
  • Librarians
    • Joan Voight, Kat Hazlett and Pam Myers
  • Line Dancing
    • Freda Munds
  • Name Tags
    • Lynette Pickup
  • Newsletter
    • Bob Mellinger
  • Piano
    • Miriam Steele, Lynne Brewer and Joyce Chapman
  • 50/50 Monday Meeting
    • John Pickup
  • Sewing
    • Mary Newman and Nancy Mellinger
  • Shuffleboard
    • Doug Myers and Mike McCarville
  • Sunshine
    • Carol Parker
  • Water Aerobics
    • Joan Voight
  • Web Site Pics and Sales
    • Linda Price
  • Monthly Birthday Party
    • Lee Baldwin and Kat Hazelett

After closing the HOA Meeting, the Monday Morning Coffee Hour began with an opener by

After closing the HOA Meeting, the Monday Morning Coffee Hour began with an opener by Harold Price. We had 118 present including returnee Betty Lawson and new resident Ted Miller on Roger Street.

Lynette Pickup gave birthday wishes this week to Diana Morgan and anniversary wishes to Dan & Mary Newman (51 Years) and Sonny & Betty Emmons.

Carol Parker gave the sunshine report: A card was mailed to Jim and Patti Forrest on Friday from the park residents. We were told he wasn’t doing well. A card is going around this morning for Terry McGarigle. He had hernia surgery on Friday and is now home taking it easy.

Pat Butts is home from hospital now. I’m sure she is happy about that.

Betty Lawson is home for a while, then going back to her daughter for more treatments.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Bluegrass is this Wednesday’s at 1:00 PM, we had 105 attend last week. Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays. Bunko is on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM and Pinochle on Wednesdays. Horseshoes is starting back up today and will be every Monday at 10:00 AM (following coffee) and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. Bible Study resumes this week as well on Mondays at 2:00 PM. Golf is every Monday and Friday.

Martha Watson announced the game winners for last week were: Ron Harmon won the Hot Ball at Bingo worth $35; Punk won Euchre; Carol Danzer won Cornhole; Dick Thelen won Pinochle and, Chuck Danzer won Shuffleboard on Tuesday with Mike McCarville, Don Guy & Carol Danzer winning on Friday.

The next Ladies Luncheon will be January 14, 2020 at Jaceranda in Avon Park. Be sure to sign up and pay $15 in advance. Meet at the Clubhouse by 11:00 AM. The Christmas decorations will still be up!

Linda Price announced the pictures for the new park directory are going well. About 25 residents still need to have their sitting. Anyone needing to schedule a sitting are asked to do so. There is no cost for the sitting but, if anyone would like to purchase additional prints ($30 minimum) a viewing time will be scheduled about one week after your sitting.

Annette Layher announced she is now collecting the HOA annual dues on January 1. The dues are $15/year per person.

The 50/50 winner was Pat Moody for $42. The guessing game had a carryover from last week for a total pot of $27.75 and was won by Brenda Hollingsworth. The insulated bag winner this week was Charlene Taylor.

ROC President Rick Motzinger announced the next men’s breakfast will be on January 11. $5 paid in advance and sign up sheets are available. He reminded us the property at 2014 John L Street will be open for viewing today after coffee until 2:00. Sealed bids will then be accepted until January 15 from park residents only. Bids will be opened January 16 with the winner announced at the shareholder meeting.

Sylvia Flannagan announced the annual flea market will be on February 7. Anyone wanting a table should sign up to reserve their space and all tables must be manned by 7:00 AM on the day of the sale.

Harold Price announced the Heartland Food Reservoir was very grateful for our donations from the park. Cash was raised in the amount of $330 which was used to purchase a Christmas gift for 13 children and their mother staying in the shelter. The park also donated 475# of food that was given to area families for their Christmas meal. The donations were very much appreciated and needed.

Lynette Pickup presented a traveling trophy to Bob Mellinger for “outstanding golfing performance” by having an Eagle at the Sebring Country Club on Hole #10. (You do know my wife is going to cherish having that little guy on display in our house!)

The donuts today were provided by Nikki DeHaven, Jim & Linda Stebleton and Gerald & Miriam Steele.

Bob Helmstadter provided the closer with a reminder of how great our God is and how our prayers are always answered. Keep on praying!

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.