
Lon Childress opened the meeting. No one had an opener so straight to the count down with 24 present.

Rachel Childress gave the birthdays, Ike West and Teresa Desautels will celebrate this week. Anniversary wishes go to Johnnie and Lee Baldwin.

Sunshine Report: A card was sent around to be signed for Chuck Danzer. He is having back problems that have stopped him from having his other knee done. He will be having back surgery first. Mary Funk had injections in her knees and it seems to have helped. Brenda Hollingsworth had some eye surgery last week. Ron Pierce had a spot removed from his back and is doing fine. Ralph Centers will have his back surgery this Wednesday. Jim Munds is seeing blue skies and awaiting his second cataract removal. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.

Managers Report: Lon said that bids are being received for the landscaping.

Mariam introduced visitors at the Steele house they are two lovely ladies from Brazil.

Bingo tonight and games as usual.

Dinner out this week will be Thursday 4:30 at Jackson on the Lake. Lon will call for reservations.

Labor Day Dinner September 2 at 1:00 pm. Bring your table service and drink. We now have 45 signed up.

Sylvia Epson thanked the volunteers for thinning out the plants and weeds in front of the club house. The front of the club house is really starting to look much better.

Thank you to Patty and Ken Gillie for donuts and coffee this morning.

August 27th is the Hammock Estates Luncheon in Indiana. Hope everyone has a good time and hi from all us southerners.

Thought for the day:
Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in a democracy. You vote in elections
once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote everyday about the kind of community you want to live in. – Anonymous.