Harold Price gave the opener. Count down was 33.
Birthdays were Linda Stebleton and Bob Helmstadter.
Anniversaries were Linda & Jim Stebleton, Mike & Betty McCarville, Jim & Ann Miller and Gary & Sue Lewis.
Sunshine Report: No one contacted us with anyone being sick, so hopefully everyone is doing fine.
New Residents: Bennie and Bonnie Cassidy are our new full time residents who were in attendance. They purchased Shirley Ness’s home on John L. A big welcome was given.
Dinner out this week will be on Wednesday June 5, at 4:00 PM at Cody’s.
Martha Watson has a cruise scheduled, the information is at the bottom of our news letter.
Bingo at 7:00 PM tonight, games nights Tuesday and Friday and with an activity there available when ever the mood strikes.
Johnnie Baldwin reported that the shuffle board courts are complete and ready for use. He also explained how to use the silicone spray for the pucks.
Park Manager Report: He thanked the people for helping with the shuffle board court.
Comments: Freda Munds reported that Terry and Joan made it back home safe and sound.
Questions as to when the trees would be trimmed? Dave reported in July.
Water level in the pool is low. This is due to evaporation.
We had an unwanted visitor in the park this past week. He found cars unlocked and helped himself to what ever he found, he stole Mariam Steeles bike. Please be diligent in locking up your property. Summer is here and kids roam free through our park.
The club house is to be locked Tuesday thru Sunday with exception of scheduled activities. Please remember to lock up when you leave.
This weekend is Hurricane Preparedness at Lakeshore Mall. This is a good time to get ready for Hurricane season.
July 4th will be a potluck at 4:00 PM a sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
Thanks to Sylvia & Jerry for the wonderful egg casseroles.