
June 10, 2019

Opener this morning was given by John Pickup. The count was 23, down from last week.

Sylvia Epson filled in for Lon Childress this morning as Lon and Rachel headed up north for a short visit.

Lynnette Pickup gave the birthday list: Herb Moscowitz, Sandy Dotseth, Don Little and Larry Hegarty. The anniversaries were: Alan & Marlene Burns and John & Brenda Tromp.

Our piano gal was not feeling good this morning so we all sang in Acappella, not bad for a small group.

Linda Price gave the sunshine report. A card was sent around for Lynne Brewer who had knee surgery last Tues. She will be in rehab for about 2 weeks. Ralph Ousley is not feeling very good so keep him in your prayers. If you know of someone that needs a visit or a card please let me know.

John Pickup introduced our newest residents Barbara and Bob Burke. They purchased the Bill Hardin (Janet Felt) house on Louis. A big welcome to the Burke’s.

Dinner out will be at the Caddy Shack on Wednesday June 12, at 4:30. Linda will call in the reservations. If you weren’t included in the count on Monday give her a call if you want to go.

Linda Price reported on the Hurricane preparedness that was at the mall over the weekend. She has forms if any one is interested.

Pool lock is broke in need of new one. Dave will purchase a new lock this week.

Please remember to lock doors on the club house.

Manager Report: Dave wants to form a committee to look after the trees and bushes on Louis street. If no one offers to help he will have to hire it done. They need to have fertilizer and be weeded.

Bean soup on June 18 at 4:00pm.

Bingo tonight and games always on Tues and Friday nights. Remember you can play any time. Corn hole I believe is still on Thurs mornings. Thank you Jim Munds for the score board.

Thank you to Bert and Ralph Centers for the morning coffee and donuts Harold gave the closer.