Lon Childress opened our meeting, John Pickup gave us a quick opener and
the count was 29.
Our piano gal Miriam led us in song for birthday kids Tim Ponke, Gail Hubbard and Bill Little.
Those celebrating their anniversaries were Linda and Harold Price, Bill and Kathy Gardner and Terry and Lisa Bain.
Linda Price gave the sunshine report. 3 cards were sent around the table for signatures. One to Ralph Ousley who is in the hospital, one to Yvonne Moran who in in rehab in Wauchula, and one to Gary Bruner who is not feeling the best. Gene Morgan was in a mowing machine accident and has
broken both legs anyone wishing to send him a card and need his address contact me. Judy Fahl will start her therapy this week. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.
Mary and Claude Funk have been back in the park for a few days and will be headed back up north today.
Sylvia Epson has a new combination lock for the pool. It has a nice long shaft and should work really good.
No Manager Report.
Bingo tonight, games Tues and Friday, water aerobics M-W-F.
Bean Soup is Tuesday June 18, 4:00 at clubhouse. Bring your bowl, cornbread, or potatoes and your drink.
Dinner out Thursday June 20 at 4:30 at Dimitri’s. Sue Drudge will call and make reservations.
Thank you to Linda and Harold for the egg casserole and orange juice.