
After a brief Monthly HOA Business Meeting, President Bob Helmstadter moved into the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with 78 present.

We had two visitors this week, Carol Danzers’ brother, Larry and Bob Mellingers’ friend Dave Landis from Ohio. Dave Acker announced he is returning north this week to attend his grand daughters’ school event.

Cynde Kochensparker, a nurse and local resident gave us an update on the Corona Virus and the precautions everyone should be taking to prevent the spread. Most important is to avoid contact with anyone when not feeling well. More updates will follow as information becomes available.

Mary Funk provided the opener.

Lynette Pickup announced the birthday wishes this week for Claude Belton, Judy Fahl and Mary Little. There is one anniversary this week celebrated by Rick & Mary Motsinger (53 years!).

Carol Parker shared the Sunshine Report noting that Former resident Bob Thompson had heart attack last week. A card was mailed to Nancy and Bob from the park. Joe Cole is still not feeling well. Wayne Voight had knee surgery. Doug Meyers also had knee surgery. Grant Parker had surgery Friday on stent removal and the rest gallstones. He is recovering nicely. Please keep everyone in our prayers.

Judy Fahl announced we had 95 attend Bluegrass last week. It is every Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the clubhouse.

Martha Watson gave the gaming report. The winners this past week were: Karen Potter at Bingo won the $44 hot ball jackpot; Max Fahl won pinochle; Max Fahl also won euchre; Ron DeGraaff won corn hole; Chuck and Carol Danzer won shuffleboard on Tuesday with no winners on Friday; and, Russ “horseshoe” Moody won horseshoes on Monday and on Saturday.

The calendar for the upcoming week includes the following: We have water aerobics today at 1:00 PM; Sewing Class at 1:00 PM; and Bingo at 7:00 PM.

Tuesday we have shuffleboard at 9:00 AM. Bible study at 2:00 PM.

Wednesday is Line Dancing at 10:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM, Bluegrass at 1:00 PM and Pinochle at 7:00 PM.

Thursday is Corn Hole at 9:00 AM and Euchre at 7:00 PM.

Friday has Shuffleboard at 9:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM and Game Night at 7:00 PM.

Lee Baldwin has shared an update on the Birthday News!!! Saturday, March 7, seventy-four residents converged at the Clubhouse to celebrate over 140 birthdays. We, of course, celebrated all the March babies, plus all of the babies born in May through October. The April babies will have their party on April, 4, the first Saturday in April.

We celebrated two very important Birthdays. Sandy Oleesky turned 95 years young on March 3, and his neighbor, Dick Asmussen will celebrate 95 years on March 16. They both received special Birthday Cakes, plus, all good wishes from the crowd. Just think, we might be celebrating their 100th in just 5 years! Wouldn’t that be special?

We had an array of fabulous sandwiches, chips and pickles, then gorged on 7 different flavors of cupcakes, and then washed it all down with Lime Surprise Punch. Nobody went home hungry; in fact, some of the ladies didn’t have to cook supper!!! YEH!!!

The Birthday Bunch Girls want to thank everybody who came out and made our efforts worthwhile. We plan the Parties so that nobody gets forgotten on their special day. Hope to see a big crowd in April.

Bob Helmstadter thanked the Birthday Party committee for a great celebration last Saturday and thanked the gourmet committee in February for a well done job. The volunteers are much appreciated.

Bill Gardner presented an update from the ROC, we now have an AED on premises. Those interested are encourages to learn how it operates.

Mike Watson reminded everyone that if the pool is not open and you would like to use it, to please call him for opening.

Linda Price reminded anyone that did not pick up their new directory to contact herself or Nancy Pratt and anyone wanting a 2nd book may purchase one for $20. Also, the updates and corrections to the directory will be posted on the bulletin board.

Carol Danzer reminded everyone of the Resident Appreciation Dinner on March 14. Please sign up! All residents are encouraged to attend at no cost. A $5 fee is charged for any adult guests.

The 50/50 winner was Pat Brevoort for $35.

The guessing game was worth $10.25 and won by Lon Childress. (That’s 2 weeks in a row for Lon!)

The donuts today were provided by Max & Judy Fahl and Joyce Chapman.

The closer was provided by Dave Acker.

We are seeking someone to take over the newsletter for the summer months, May – October, while I enjoy some Ohio weather. Anyone willing to help out will be greatly appreciated. Please let me know, Thank you!

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.