After a brief Monthly HOA Business Meeting, President Bob Helmstadter moved into the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with 101 present. We had no new residents this week or visitors.
Lee Baldwin provided the opener.
Lynette Pickup announced the birthday wishes this week for Alexis Iveson, Dick Smith, Sandy Olensky, Betty Pfeiffer, Yvonne Moran and Mary Newman. There is one anniversary this week celebrated by Bill & Diana Morgan (46 years!).
Carol Parker shared the Sunshine Report noting that Ralph Centers fell on steps from Pontoon. He is all bruised and hopefully on the mends. Joe Cole has been not feeling well. He has been coughing. A card being passed around to be signed for him. Doug Meyers is having knee surgery and Cynthia Phillips has flu. Gerry McLennan has bad cold. We hope he is feeling better soon. Keep everyone in your prayers.
We also wanted to thank Cynde Kochensparker for all the cards she has given for the sunshine committee.
Judy Fahl announced we had 107 attend Bluegrass last week. It is every Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the clubhouse.
Martha Watson gave the gamming report. The winners this past week were: Pennt Walters, Teresa Desautels & Rachel McDaniel at Bingo split the $41 hot ball; Punk Kochensparger won pinochle; Claude Funk won euchre; Russ Moody won corn hole; Mike McCarville and Ruth Helmstadter won shuffleboard on Tuesday with Ed and Annette Layher winning on Friday; and, Johnny Baldwin won horseshoes on Monday.
Linda Price shared the calendar for the upcoming week, we have water aerobics today at 1:00 PM; Sewing Class at 1:00 PM; and Bingo at 7:00 PM.
Tuesday we have shuffleboard at 9:00 AM. Ladies Luncheon at 11:00 AM and going to the Caddy Shack. Bible study at 2:00 PM and entertainment night at 7:00 PM. The entertainment will be Back Porch Revival with cookies provided.
Wednesday is Line Dancing at 10:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM, Bluegrass at 1:00 PM and Pinochle at 7:00 PM.
Thursday is Corn Hole at 9:00 AM and Euchre at 7:00 PM.
Friday has Shuffleboard at 9:00 AM, Water aerobics at 1:00 PM and Game Night at 7:00 PM.
Saturday at 2:00 PM is the monthly birthday Party. Lee Baldwin asked for additional volunteers as this is going to be a larger-than-normal celebration for all birthdays in March and May through October, 143 in all. The theme will be Mardi Gras celebration.
Nancy Pratt announced the new directory is here! Please pick up your copy during morning coffee.
Carol Danzer reminded everyone of the Resident Appreciation Dinner on March 14. Please sign up! All residents are encouraged to attend at no cost. A $5 fee is charged for any adult guests.
The 50/50 winner was Bert Centers for $44.
The guessing game had a $16 carry over from last week and took in an additional $15.75 this week and was split among 6 winners. They were Carol Danzer, Lon Childress, Roberts Degraff, Kathy Gardner, JoAnn Schultz and Ron Harmon.
The donuts today were provided by Dan & Mary Newman, Mike & Betty McCarville and Alan & Nancy Pratt.
If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at