
President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with an opener by Bud Pfeiffer. We had 93 present including returnee Dean Baumgartner and visitors Audrey and Pat (friends of Mary Newman), and Betty Pfeiffer’s daughter Lori. Additional returnees to the park this week are Don and Carol Phelps.

Lynette Pickup gave birthday wishes this week to Rick Motsinger, Joann Voight, Ted Miller, Karen Potter and Sondra West. There are no anniversaries celebrated in the park this week.

Cindy Phillips announced that we have two cards going around for Grant Parker. He went to the emergency room Saturday evening and they kept him to prepare for gall bladder surgery today. Please keep him in your prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Sewing is at 1:00 PM today, Bluegrass is this Wednesday’s at 1:00 PM, we had 111 attend last week. Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays. Bunko is resuming on January 21 at 1:00 PM and Pinochle on Wednesdays. Line dancing is also on Wednesdays, at 10:00 AM. Horseshoes will be every Monday at 10:00 AM (following coffee) and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. Bible Study is Tuesday 2:00 PM. Golf is every Monday and Friday. Sewing Class is Mondays at 1:00 PM.

Martha Watson announced the game winners for last week were: Helen Cole and Claude Funk won the Hot Ball at Bingo worth $25.50 each; Mike Watson won Euchre; Jim Munds won Cornhole; Claude Funk won Pinochle; Mike McCarville and Jonnie Baldwin won Shuffleboard on Tuesday with Claude Belton winning on Friday; and, Horseshoes was won by Jim Munds on Monday and Jim Wood on Wednesday.

The next Ladies Luncheon is on February 4th at the Olympic.

Jim Stebleton announced he is providing his DJ services this Saturday evening at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend to enjoy the music and dancing. Please provide your own snacks and drinks.

Linda Price announced the pictures for the new park directory are winding down with just a few residents remaining to have their sitting.

The 50/50 winner was Betty Pfeiffer for $42. The guessing game had no winner, so the $10.75 collected today will carry over to next week.

Bob Helmstadter went around the room and asked everyone to share where their home state is, their state motto, bird and flower. It resulted in realizing we are from a wide variety of locations, all coming together for a few months each year to be friends and neighbors.

The donuts today were provided by Pat Pierson, Gerry McLennar and Bill & Diana Morgan.

Ed Layher provided the closer.

If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at mellingerr@aol.com.