President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with an opener by Mary Funk. We had 90 present including returnee Rod & Delores Kelly and visitors Marla (friend of Alexis Iveson), and Barb Burke’s niece Shawna.
Patty Gillie gave birthday wishes this week to Bob Rice, Jim King, Vicki DeBardi, Penny Walters, Kathy Morgan and Charleen Taylor. There is one anniversary this week, Bob & Barb Burke (60 years).
Cindy Phillips announced that Grant Parker just returned home from the hospital yesterday. Special thanks were expressed for all who assisted Herb Moscowitz this past week when he had a fire. Neighbors were especially helpful with providing meals, shelter and support. Larry Hegarty then spoke on the importance of having our furnace, A/C units, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers checked on a regular basis.
Joe Cole reported we had 130 attend Bluegrass last week. It is every Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the clubhouse.
Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Sewing is at 1:00 PM today, cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays, Pinochle on Wednesdays, line dancing is also on Wednesdays, at 10:00 AM. Horseshoes are every Monday at 10:00 AM (following coffee) and Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. Bible Study is Tuesday 2:00 PM. Golf is every Monday and Friday. The new calendar for February will be out later this week.
Martha Watson was not present to give the gaming report as they are traveling with 7 other couples from the park on a 7-day cruise. We wish them happy times and to be blessed with safe travels!
The next Ladies Luncheon is on February 4th at the Olympic.
Jim Stebleton announced 47 people came out for music and dancing this past Saturday evening. Hopefully another one will be planned in the near future. Keep those dancing shoes handy!
Bud & Betty Pfeiffer announced their neighborhood mixer will be on February 6th.
Rick Motzinger reminded everyone the annual Fish Fry is on February 15 at 1:00 PM. There is a sign-up sheet and be sure to pay Judy Fraser.
The 50th Anniversary party will be on February 22 at 5:00 PM.
The monthly birthday party celebration for February will be this Saturday, the 1st, at 2:00 PM.
The 50/50 winner was Claude Belton for $38. The guessing game had two winners, Jerry Green and Ron DeGraaff split the $22.75 jackpot.
The donuts today were provided by Ken & Pat Gillie, Phil & Carolyn Manning and Ralph & Bert Centers.
Ron DeGraaff provided a very brief closer.
If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at