
Lon Childress Opened our Monday Morning Meeting with 46 residents present. Welcome back to all the returnee’s!

Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes to Carol Danzer, Jim Miller, Mike Gerity, Grant Parker, Dave Acker and Pam Myers. Anniversaries this week are Jerry and Sylvia Eason and Rod and Delores Kelly.

Carol Grant gave the sunshine report, noting that no one has reported any new cares but, to please continue to keep Edith Patterson in our prayers.

Lee Baldwin shared information about dinner theatre opportunities at the Hudson Dinner Theatre. Anyone interested in attending a show is asked to contact Lee about scheduling.

John Pickup announced that he was aware of one home selling in the park but, has not yet met the new owners.

Bob Helmstadter announced the bathroom doors in the club house will be replaced on Thursday and the pool solar panel support is slated for repairs in November. Volunteers are asked to lend a hand with what is projected to be a 4-day process. Also, a notice will be posted seeking bids for lawn care services for the park’s common areas for the 202 year. It is open to residents until November 15. If no one is found by then, it will be opened to the public.

Donut sign-up sheets for November to April are out now for anyone willing to donate $10 towards the weekly meeting treats.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays and Bluegrass on Wednesday’s at 1:00.

Thursday night dinner this week is at the New Mexican Grill.

The donuts & sweet treats today were provided by Pat Pierson.