
Lon Childress opened our meeting this morning with Bob Helmstadter giving us our morning laugh. There was 41 present today.

Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes to Gary Bruner, Terry Webber and Harold Price. The anniversaries were for Vern and Brenda Hollingsworth and Chuck and Carol Danzer.

Carol Grant gave the sunshine report. She sent two cards around for signatures. One for Ken Gillie, who was in the hospital over the weekend, but is home and doing good per Patty. The other card is for Ralph Ousley, who is having more medical problems.

Returnees this week are Bob & Nancy Mellinger, Doug & Pam Myers, Bill & Diane Morgan, Terry Webber & Ron Harmon.

Bingo tonight at 7:00pm. Games both Tuesday and Friday evening.

Dinner out this week with be at Victoria’s on Spring Lake at 5:00pm.

Don’t forget to sign up for the potluck on Tuesday the 22nd at 5:00pm, the sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

We want to thank Bill & Peggy Little for the donation for the coffee and donuts this morning.

This will be my last newsletter. I have enjoyed keeping everyone in touch with all the happenings within the park. We have a volunteer to continue the newsletter. Bob Mellinger has kindly offered. Please give him your support on this task.