
Lon Childress opened the meeting and also gave the opener. There were 22 present this morning.Rachel Childress gave the birthday wishes to Bonnie Casady and Susan Hazen (RV)

Sunshine Report: I received email from Joyce Chapman she has had hernia surgery this month but is doing good. She hopes to be back in the park the end of October and looking forward to Wednesday’s music. Lee Baldwin is still having trouble with a cough that just won’t go away. Harold Price is having sinus problems that has caused a bad cough.

Returnees were Carol and Grant Parker.  Linda happily gave the sun-shine reporting back to Carol.  Welcome back.

The cleaning party went very good. Thanks to Lon and Rachel for the pizza. There are pictures on the web of the cleaning party.

Dinner out this week will be Caddy Shack at 5:00 pm Lon to call for reservations.

A carry in pot luck will be October 22, 5:00 pm. No main dish will be provided. So bring a meat hot-dish. Sign up sheet will be on the board.

Bingo tonight and games Tuesday and Friday.

Thank you to Bob and Barbara Burke for the donuts this morning.