Happy First Day of Fall!
Lon Childress opened the meeting. Judy Fahl gave the opener to Harold Price to read. That farmer sure knew how to get even with the car salesman. Count today was 25.
Rachel Childress gave the birthday wishes for this week to Edythe MacDonald and Benny Casady. Anniversary wishes to Al & Iva Stewart and Bob & Pat Rice.
Sunshine Report. Judy Fahl is doing great after carpel tunnel and cyst surgery. Gerald Steele had a stint put in last Tuesday and is doing good. Heard that Pat Buttshas been in the hospital. Bud Pheiffer is back from a short trip up north where he took a tumble and landed right on his face. He says he feels better than he looks. Ralph Centers is now scheduled for September 30 for his surgery. Haven’t heard from anyone one up north as to any illness or accidental falls. Stay healthy my friends!
September 25 at 10:00 am is our cleaning of the club house, don’t forget. There will be Pizza to follow.
October 9, at 1:00 pm our Blue Grass Jam begins.
The lights have been off on the shuffle board courts at night since Friday, Lon will check into that. The park has looked really good this week, thanks to all the elves, who have helped.
Flu Shot Clinic can be held on any Monday if we can get 20 people signed up. Flu season is just around the corner and we should all be getting out shots.
Thursday night out will be Cody’s at 5:00pm.
Bingo tonight and games Tuesday and Friday.
Thank you to Sylvia for the best biscuits and sausage gravy this morning.
There was an award, made by Bob Burke, for sportsmanship, best player of Corn hole given out this morning. A picture is at the bottom of this newsletter.