President Bob Helmstadter opened our Monday Morning Meeting with 58 present. We have 2 returnee’s and 4 new residents. The morning opener was provided by Ruth Helmstadter.
Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes this week to Sue Lewis, Lon Childress and Edith Patterson. One anniversary this week is celebrated by Ralph and Bert Centers.
Carol Grant gave the sunshine report, noting that Jim Miller is recovering from a bicycle accident, Jim Forrest is being treated for cancer and Pat Butts is recovering from a recent fall. Please keep them in your prayers.
Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Bluegrass is on Wednesday’s at 1:00 PM, there were 61 attending last week!. Cornhole will resume this week at 9:00 AM on Thursdays.
John Pickup recognized new residents, Jim & Diane Wood on RV Lot #6 and Bill & Peggy Little on Roger Street. Welcome! We know you are going to love our park!
Dan Newman gave a presentation of wooden pens he makes and offered up free classes to anyone interested in making them.
Bob Helmstadter gave recognition to the men helping with the swimming pool solar panel reconstruction and the clubhouse bathroom remodeling. A Big thank you goes out to Ike West, Phil DeSautels, Dan Newman, and Bob and Larry Mellinger. One of the many qualities of our park is the willingness of the members to pitch in when needed!
The morning closer was provided by Bob Helmstadter.
The donuts today were provided by Don Madden, Bob & Ruth Helmstadter and Gerald & Miriam Steele.