
Good morning & Happy Veteran’s Day!

November 11, 2019

President Bob Helmstadter opened our Monday Morning Meeting with 67 present.  We have 10 returnee’s and 1 visitor.

The morning opener was a tribute to our Veterans in honor of Veterans Day.  Joan McGarigle read the poem “I Am A Veteran”.  Then, fifteen of our residents each introduced their selves and stated which branch of the military they had served, and their years of service followed, by the singing of our Star-Spangled Banner by all.  We are all so very thankful for their service and to all Veterans for their sacrifices!

Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes this week to Dan Newman, Lee Smith, Ron DeGraff and Rod Kelly.  Anniversaries this week are celebrated by Bud and Betty Pfeiffer, Ron and Hattie Pierce, and Dave and Meike Zeller.

Carol Parker gave the sunshine report, noting that Jack Fitzgerald is being treated for a clot and Max and Judy Fahl returned home this week to help care for family.

Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays.  Bluegrass is on Wednesday’s at 1:00 PM, there were 79 attending last week.  The largest turnout ever for this time of the year! Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays.  Lee Baldwin announced she won last week as no one else showed up. Maybe the competition will be a little tougher this week.

Linda Price has agreed to take over the calendar.  Please have your activities turned in to her by the last Monday of each month to be included.

Bob Helmstadter gave recognition Nancy Mellinger for helping paint the clubhouse bathrooms.  (Bob & Ruth helped a bunch too!)

There will be no water aerobics until further notice.

Rachel Childress announced the sign-up sheet is on the board for the Thanksgiving Dinner.  Please get signed up early and let us know what you will be bringing.

Lee Baldwin announced the surprise Birthday Party for Edith Patterson was a success on Saturday.  Lee read a heartfelt thank-you card from Edith expressing her gratitude.

The 50/50 winner was Carol Danzer for $22 and there was no winner for the guessing game.  That jackpot will roll over to next week.

ROC President Rick Motsinger announced there will be a shareholders meeting on November 21.

The morning closer was provided by Ed Layher.

The donuts today were provided by Bill and Diana Morgan, JR and Donna Anderson and Jim and Freda Munds.