
Lon Childress opened the meeting with Ed Layher telling us two anecdotes, which had everyone laughing.  There was only 55 present.  There are quite a few members that will be leaving this week, so we may only need one or two tables next week.  Harold Price was the mic runner. Thanks to Dean Baumgardner, Lon & Rachel Childress and Terry and Joan McGarigle for the donuts.

Lynnette Pickup announced the birthdays and anniversaries for the week.  Phil Desautels, Allan Burns (RV), John Trompe and Susan Kimmel are all celebrating getting one year old and John and Judy Weber will be celebrating 60 years together.  Bert is back and as we ended each song, her “And Many More” resounded through the hall.  Most have taken up that ending when we sing, but Bert sings it loud and very well.  I think she was the one who started doing that and now we all do.

Carol Parker gave the Sunshine Report.

Signed cards will be sent to Dave Acker and family. They lost Rose on April 18, 2019.  Ralph Ousley for his surgery today on his arm.  He broke it a few weeks back and has to have a rod inserted and Kat Hazelett who had an accident on her scooter. Luckily no broken bones. Betty Lawson is up North with her daughter.  She will be taking care of her as she undergoes treatment for lung cancer. Judy Weber is not doing well, so there are many that need our prayers this week.  Hope that recovery is quick for all.

Bluegrass is done for this season. It will start again as the Park fills up this winter.

Game Winners this week are:

  • Rachel Childress won the 50/50 drawing today and Helen Cole won the guessing game.
  • Shuffle:
    • Tues: Ed Layher, Carol Danzer, Virginia Krou
    • No winners on Friday
  • Pinochle :
    • Doug Meyers
  • Euchere Punk

We had an Easter dinner at the clubhouse, Sunday at 5:00.  There were about 36-36 people, we had lots of food, good conversation, sang a few hymns.  I think everyone enjoyed themselves, I heard no complaints.  I know my recliner was calling my name as soon as I opened the door.  I had been on a diet for a few weeks, lost 10 lbs, gained half of it back in one sitting.  That was a little discouraging but it sure was good.  Thanks to Ron  and Roberta DeGraaff for putting it together.

Did you notice when you lose the remote, you lose trust in everyone?
“Are you sitting on the remote?” “No.” “Get up…!!”

Remember ROC meeting Thursday.  Check your calendar for the time.  I don’t feel like getting up to go find out. Bob Hazelett and Ed Layher both had a closure today.  Then we went home!!!

What do you call a fish with no eyes????   Fsh
Til next week
Brenda ( verenda@gmail.com)