Surprise! Surprise! Coffee was held as usual but with the absence of Coffee and Donuts. There was a misunderstanding among a few that there was no coffee today. The no coffee Monday is on Memorial Day when we have the BBQ at 1:00 pm.
25 people were present. Since the Vice President was absent, and everyone looked for guidance at Linda Price so she led us in an impromptu meeting. Our gal that does the birthdays and anniversaries was also missing, but we had Helen Cole there and her birthday is tomorrow.
Miriam Steele graced us with her piano skills. Also Ralph and Jenny Ousley will celebrate their anniversary this week. We are low in numbers
but we sing mighty good. If you had a birthday or anniversary this week we are we missed it.
Carol Parker sent a card around for Joyce Gillis, as Rod passed away May 8, 2019. A copy of Rod’s Obit is posted on the bulletin board. His obit can be found on Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory.
Activities this week are as usual Monday Bingo, Tue and Friday night games, Thursday Cornhole and water aerobics MWF, all other are open to be played when ever you feel like it. It has been suggested to bring a White Elephant to bingo for prizes.
Park Manager Dave Zeller reported that the shuffle board court liners have arrived and if anyone can help put them down let him know. Also an offer has been made on the Gray House.
Ten people elected to go to the Caddy Shack this Thursday at 5:00 pm. Remember to keep your Thursday nights open for our community outings. The more the merrier. There was 10 people at Victoria’s last Thursday and it was a very enjoyable evening.
Our bean soup will be this afternoon at 1:00 pm everyone come and enjoy. Thanks to Sylvia Epson for making the bean soup, sure did smell good this morning.
Our news reporter was also absent today, she has requested that someone else be found to do the news. We want to thank Brenda for all of the wit and personal charm she has added to our news letter. Anyone interested please contact Bob Helmstadter or Lon Childress.