President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monday Morning Coffee Hour with 100 present. This included new residents Kurtis & Billie Calvary and visitors Judy Shotwell, sister of Pat Pierson and Ruby Newman is here until Thursday of this week. Welcome everyone!
Jim Stebleton provided the opener.
Lynette Pickup announced the birthday wishes this week for Dick Thelen, Carol Taylor, Judy Barlow, Ron Harmon, Joanne Madden and Betty McCarville. There are no anniversaries this week.
Carol Parker shared the Sunshine Report with sad news that Joe Flanagans’ sisters’ husband passed away last Tuesday Feb 18th. This is also Cynthia Phillips uncle. Cards are going around to be signed for both. Lee Baldwin is getting better but still coughing.
We received a Thank-You Card from Mick and Betty Jacobson. They stated. “I can’t begin to tell you what the friendship card from the park people mean to us. I cried.. it was very nice prescription ever… I don’t know all of the people’s names but. it was very special to us.”
As always, please keep everyone in your prayers
Joe Cole was not present but it was announced we had 114 attend Bluegrass last week. It is every Wednesday at 1:00 in the clubhouse.
Judy Fahl gave the gamming report. The winners this past week were: Diana Green & Nikki DeHaven at Bingo split the $39 hot ball; Mike Watson won pinochle; Dick Thelen won euchre; Mary MacAuthur won corn hole; Annette Layher won shuffleboard on Tuesday with no one winning on Friday due to the “northern-like weather”; and, Jim Munds won horseshoes on Monday with “Horseshoe Moody” winning on Wednesday. In BUNCO, Carol Taylor had the most Buncos (5), and a 3-way tie most games (18) between Carol Taylor, JoAnn Schultz and Linda Stebleton.
Linda Price shared the calendar for the upcoming week, we have water aerobics today at 1:00; Sewing Class at 1:00; and Bingo at 7:00. Tuesday we have shuffleboard at 9:00. Bible study at 2:00 and game night at 7:00. Wednesday is Line Dancing at 10:00, Water aerobics at 1:00, Bluegrass at 1:00 and Pinochle at 7:00. Thursday is Corn Hole at 9:00 and Euchre at 7:00. Friday has Shuffleboard at 9:00, Water aerobics at 1:00 and Game Night at 7:00.
The Ladies Luncheon in March will be at the Caddy Shack next Tuesday. Also next Tuesday is Entertainment Night at 7:00
Carolyn Manning thanked everyone on behalf of Rick Motzinger for their assistance with the annual Fish Fry last Saturday. It was well attended and plenty of wonderful desserts were donated!
Kathy Morgan thanked everyone who attended and, especially everyone who helped at the 50th Anniversary party last Saturday. Two couples were honored for reaching that milestone and a card was read from Jim & Diane Wood expressing their gratitude for making them feel so loved.
Nancy Pratt announced the new directory is at the printer! If the work is back to us by Thursday, she is asking for volunteers to help put the directories together for distribution next Monday. A donation from the Bluegrass Committee was presented to Nancy in the amount of $500 to help offset the printing costs. Rick Motzinger, president of the ROC announced they are also making a donation to the directory from the fish fry proceeds.
Carol Danzer reminded everyone of the Resident Appreciation Dinner on March 14. Please sign up! All residents are encouraged to attend at no cost. A $5 fee is charged for any adult guests.
The 50/50 winner was Pat Moody for $44.
The guessing game collected $16 this week and there was no winner. That little annuity is rolling over to next week.
The donuts today were provided by Ron Harmon & Terry Webber, Gary & Connie Bruner and Skip & Barb Greeley.
Bob Helmstadter announced there will be an HOA Meeting at his house immediately following this morning coffee. All are welcome!
Harold Price provided the closer.
If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at