December 2, 2019
President Bob Helmstadter opened the Monthly Homeowners Association Meeting, providing updates to the secretary and treasurers reports. It was also announced the new Park Photo Album is in the works with everyone needing to sit for a new picture and hopefully be published by April. A Memorial Service for park residents who are no longer with us will be held on February 10, 2020 immediately following the morning coffee.
Our regular Monday Morning Meeting followed with 77 present. Returnee’s this week are Phil & Carolyn Manning. We had one visitor, Janet Phelps daughter, Sherry.
Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes this week to Freda Munds and Meike Zeller. The only anniversary celebrated this week is Bob & Nancy Mellinger (11 years).
Carol Parker gave the sunshine report, asking that if anyone knows of someone not feeling well to please let her know. Mary Little has not been feeling well the past three weeks. A card for her is going around to be signed. Sylvia Flannigan has not been well for the last week. Max Fahl tore a ligament in his arm and is on the mends. Please be sure to keep everyone in your prayers
Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Bluegrass is on Wednesday’s at 1:00, there were 77 attending last week. Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays. Bunko is on Tuesdays at 1:00 and Pinochle on Wednesdays.
A new railing was installed along the stage area in the Clubhouse, thanks to the Bluegrass volunteers, at no cost to the park.
Game winners last week were: Doug Myers at Pinochle; Nancy Mellinger won the Hot Ball playoff at Bingo for $24; and, Mike McCarville won Cornhole.
Linda Price announced the Ladies Luncheon will be on December 3 @ 11:30 reservations @the American Grille. Those going are asked to meet at the clubhouse by 11:00.
Mary Funk announced the annual Christmas parade will be on December 21, with cookies, ice cream and $10 gift exchange to follow.
The Christmas Dinner will be at 2:00 on December 25.
The park will be taking part in the annual food drive at Christmas time. Anyone not here may donate cash and she will do the shopping for needed items. Please have all donations turned in by December 15th.
Lynne Brewer announced the park will be having a sing-along for Christmas on December 10th at 7:00 PM. Any singers and/or musicians wanting to take part are encouraged to sign up. Also asking for volunteers to bring cookies.
The 50/50 winner was Linda Stebleton for $30 and the winners for the guessing game was Bob Mellinger, Larry Hegarty, Carol Danzer and Ann Miller for $2 each. The raffle for the insulated bags was won by Mary Funk.
The donuts today were provided by Bob and Barb Burke, Bob and Ruth Helmstadter, and Larry Hegarty and Judy Fraser.