December 16, 2019
Vice President Lon Childress opened the Monday Morning Coffee Meeting with 85 present. Ed Layher provided the opener. Lon also acknowledged Ron Harmon and Terry Webber for their improvement projects for the park; to the Men’s Group for another successful and delicious breakfast on Saturday; and, to those responsible for having the Birthday Party on Saturday afternoon for all those celebrating in December.
Returnees to the park this week are Dave Acker, Dick and Pat Thelen, Bill and Nadine French, and Bill and Kathy Gardner. We welcomed new residents Ken and Charlene Taylor to our park. They reside on Louis Street.
Lynette Pickup gave the birthday wishes this week to Miriam Steele, Marie Ellison and Frank Cary. Anniversaries celebrated this week are Gerald and Miriam Steele (54 years), and Terry and Joan McGargle (65 years).
Carol Parker gave the sunshine report: Edith Patterson has not been feeling well. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Betty Emmons fell Friday night went to ER and is now home. Don Guy fell outside the clubhouse on Saturday. Not sure but hope he is ok. Pat Butts is on dialysis now. Ralph Ousley is doing better too. Good to see him either riding his bicycle or walking. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers.
Since we sent Christmas cards to Jack and Lyla, we thought we should also send cards to those who would not be here this year. This includes Myrtle Johnson, Connie and Bob Brown, Betty Lawson and Jim and Patty Forrest. Merry Christmas to all!
Reminder that there is bingo tonight and games night on Tuesdays and Fridays. Volunteers are needed to sign up for callers and runners. Bluegrass is on Wednesday’s at 1:00 (we had 93 attend last week), Cornhole is at 9:00 AM on Thursdays. Bunko is on Tuesdays at 1:00 and Pinochle on Wednesdays.
Martha Watson announced the game winners for last week were: Claude Funk at Pinochle; Judy Fraiser won the Hot Ball playoff at Bingo for $23; Punk Kochensparger won Euchre; Carol Danzer won Cornhole; and, Pat Baldwin and Allen Burns won Shuffleboard on Tuesday and Friday was a washout.
The next Ladies Luncheon will be January 14, 2020 at Jacaranda in Avon Park. Be sure to sign up in advance.
Rick Motzinger thanked everyone for making the Saturday Morning Breakfast another success.
Approximately $87 was taken in for the HOA after expenses.
The new garbage disposal for the clubhouse is in the works, hopefully installed soon, and the replacement gutters should be installed within the week.
A ROC Board meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at 1:00 PM. All residents are encouraged to attend.
Mary Funk reminded us the annual Christmas parade will be on December 21, with cookies, ice cream and a gift exchange to follow. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift of $10 value.
Carol Danzer asked for volunteers to help filling and distributing the luminaries at 1:00 on December 24. These will be placed on both sides of each driveway to be burning Christmas Eve to morning.
Nancy Pratt announced she will begin scheduling picture sittings for all residents for our new directory. Everyone is encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.
Linda Price announced the food donations collected in the park will be picked up by tomorrow. A generous supply of food was donated by the residents as well as a total of $330 in cash.
Bob Mellinger reminded the residents, new & returnees, of the Small White Cross project he has brought to the park. The crosses in the clubhouse are free to anyone wanting one and feel free to take extras for anyone else you know who may want to have one.
Gerald Steele announced the “Bibles for Mozambique” was successful with a large shipment of Bibles going out on Christmas Day. Hammock Estates park was a supporter of this project.
The 50/50 winner was Ann Miller for $37. The guessing game was split with three winners; Claude Funk, Lon Childress and Carol Danzer for $4.00 each. The raffle for the insulated bags was won by Joe Cole.
The donuts today were provided by Mike and Martha Watson, Bob and Nancy Mellinger and Claude and Mary Funk.
If you have any additional information for the weekly newsletter, please send to Bob Mellinger at